Page 22 of Miracle

Reid huffed. “Well, he must be if he?—”

Arlo moved between me and my brothers in the blink of an eye, looming over Reid, startling him enough for him to take a step back into Leo, who shoved him away.

“If you’d let me talk, there was a man with Charlie, connected to Jax’s brother somehow, watching from the bushes, short, dark hair, checking everything was okay, and no I didn’t get a name, and yes I imagine he doesn’t want to be found for whatever reason.” His voice held a note of threat, and my heart skipped, and I felt as if I had a wall protecting me and my nephew.

It was the best feeling. My hero.

“Also, Reid,” Arlo continued in a lower tone. “If you’re going to lose your cool, don’t do it with Charlie in the room, and stop cursing, okay?

Reid backed down straight away, “Sorry. My bad.”

Sean cleared his throat, and everyone stared at him.

“Let me have a look at little Charlie.” He’d interrupted the standoff by taking Charlie, then went through to the living room and sat on the side of the sofa, with me, my brothers, and Arlo trailing behind. Sean was chatting all the time to Charlie about everything and nothing as he eased off Charlie’s tiny baby romper and pulled a stethoscope from his bag, rubbing it to warm the metal.

My heart was racing, with fear, with worry. Arlo stopped next to me with a reassuring touch to my lower back. I was desperate to lean into him, for him to hug me as he’d done last night, when he made everything feel okay.

“It will be okay,” he murmured.

I just hoped that was true.



“Nice and strong,”Sean approved, and then, blew a raspberry on Charlie’s tummy, which made Charlie wave his legs and arms. It was so adorable I could have died from cuteness overload.

“He came with records,” Arlo pulled out the pack of healthcare documents that had arrived with my nephew… with Charlie. I’d forgotten all about those, and, yet again, Arlo had saved the day.

Sean took the pages and scanned them, a thoughtful nod here, a soft smile when he found a sonogram, and then, he went back to checking all the things I’d seen doctors check with the twins, replacing Charlie’s romper when he was done. Charlie loved the attention, cooing and burbling nonsense up at Leo’s friend, blowing bubbles, and in general having the time of his little baby life.

Sean tapped Charlie’s kneecap with his finger and the baby’s leg kicked out sharply, then his foot, and the toes curled, and the heel jerked. “Normal reflexes, temperature is fine, his heart is strong. He’s up-to-date with all of his necessary immunizations. His mom went to term, but her name is missing.” He frowned, glancing up at me as if I had all the answers.

All I could do was shrug. “I don’t know,” I added, in case he thought I was holding back. I had no idea why a mom’s name wouldn’t be on the medical records, and I didn’t want to think too hard on it in case I started to spiral over who the mom was, and why Zach was in potential danger, and why he’d left Charlie with me in the first place.

“Okay, well, there’s no health issues marked on the records, although I wouldn’t expect too much detail on the mom unless Charlie was a difficult birth, or a preemie. I’m not a pediatrician, but I know that much.” He gathered Charlie into his arms and smiled down at him. “Charlie is a perfectly healthy baby and no worse the wear for being left on your porch, Jax.” If he sent me a subtle glance at the use of the wordleftthat wasn’t an exact implication of abandonment, but did hold accusation for my missing brother’s actions, I didn’t acknowledge it—the letter said it all, and I had to believe Zach had no choice.

I didn’t expect anyone else to agree with my way of thinking.

Sean wrapped Charlie in the blanket, then passed him back to me. I was happier having him back in my arms, and I rocked him gently, knowing that all eyes were on me. Arlo had moved to stand just behind me, my wingman, probably ready to leap in if Leo and Reid had anything to say. Given Leo had opened his home to an ex-con/hero and his daughter, then had fallen in love with said ex-con/hero, he didn’t have a leg to stand on.

I tilted my chin.

“What now?” Leo asked, “What do you want us to do?”

“I just wanted you to bring Sean, then I guess, next is to tell Mama and Papa.”

Leo’s expression was flooded with compassion. “They’ll love him,” he reassured me, and I wanted to believe that—after all Mama and Papa Byrne had adopted four kids and knew all about family.

“This is where he’ll be, and I’ll take care of him.” I was firm. “Until Zach comes to get him.”

Reid seemed confused and unsure at first, but then, he exchanged a glance with Leo, who nodded. “You know we’ve always got your back,” he said, and I relaxed a little. “But…” He paused, I tensed, Leo frowned, and Arlo scrubbed his eyes, probably sensing imminent issues. “Purely from a legal point of view, what if his dad is a criminal on the run or something? If he’s arrested, you’ll be left holding the baby.”

“And what did he mean about being in danger? This is stupid. What if someone comes and tries to take Charlie?” Leo added.

Those thoughts had crossed my mind. That maybe, for some reason, Zach wouldn’t be able to come home, and I would be dad in all ways to Charlie, or that nebulous bad guys were out there waiting for me to lower my guard. “I’m his uncle. I’m his legal guardian, and if anyone thinks they can get him taken away from me for any reason, they won’t.” I met their gazes with determination and waited for them to come up with reasons why I couldn’t keep him, or worry about me, or any of the million things I imagined they wanted to do.

“Jesus, Jax, we wouldn’t let anyone take him away from you,” Leo reacted sharply and sounded hurt again. “Reid’s just thinking out of the box.”