Page 71 of Miracle

I kissed him to seal the deal. “Yes.”

Someone else tutted, but it was added on the end of a slur. Fuck that noise. I was with Jax and I loved him, and he loved me, and I wasn’t letting him go for anything. With my hand laced in his, and him pushing Charlie with the other, we headed back to the truck.

“Thank you for talking to my brothers,” I murmured as we waited for the elevator to the top floor.

“I didn’t do much.” Jax dipped his head and stray curls fell over his face, which I tucked back behind his ear.

“You did everything,” I whispered into the kiss.

He touched my cheek and smiled. “Anything for you. Any time.”



A few days after Christmas,Arlo officially moved in, and we threw a housewarming party for family—my brothers and their partners, plus various kids, Mama, and Papa, plus Lorna back from New York, visiting with them just to catch up on everything. Lorna took one look at Charlie and burst into tears.

Leo and Reid were flustered, but I saw something in the tears, and I thought it was happiness.

“I’m pregnant,” she announced.


Reid gasped. “What the fuck, Lorna? Who do we need to kill?” He winced when Leo elbowed him, then shushed him.

“You’re not killing anyone. His name is Ian, and he’s asked me to marry him, and we’re having a baby, and for some stupid reason, I can’t stop crying.”

The three of us blinked at her, not knowing what to say, but it was Arlo who saved the day, ushering her and Charlie away from us, and glaring at Reid.

“Reid, you’re an idiot,” Leo hissed, and Reid even opened his mouth to argue, but I placed my hand over it.

“Shh,” I warned, hearing voices in the kitchen, as Papa went in there first, and then, Arlo was gesturing for us to go into the kitchen. I caught the tail end of I love yous, and I miss yous, and then, we were all crowded around a laptop, and there was a man who stared back at us.

“Hi,” he said with a small wave, which he quickly dropped. “I’m Ian. I’m Lorna’s… boyfriend, until she…” He stopped, and we probably glared, and then, she glanced up at us, and with a huff, she pulled a small velvet box out of the purse on the table. When she opened it, a diamond sparkled.

“Ask me again, Ian,” she said.

Ian swallowed; nerves evident. “Lorna Byrne, will you make me the happiest man on Earth by marrying me?” He sounded so emotional, and my chest tightened.

Lorna smiled, then the tears dried up. “Yes, Ian, I will.”

Mama cried; Papa was so damn proud.

Reid bristled and would probably be thinking of doing a background check, but at least he feigned immediate happiness well enough for me and Leo not to sit on him.

When it was my turn, I gave my congratulations, but I also went to a half crouch and hugged Lorna. “You’ll make a wonderful mom,” I whispered and kissed her cheek.

“I’m gonna practice on Charlie.”

Charlie, who was scrunching up his face, which could only mean one thing.

“Starting from now?” I asked, as she caught a whiff of the smell. She handed him to me, grimacing.

“Starting from when I don’t feel sick all the time.”

It wasweird going from all that chaos to a quiet house again, and Charlie was so exhausted from all the attention, he slept through the night.

The first time since he’d arrived here.