“I’m not sure it’s what I want.”
“You don’t want to work Christmas?”
Trace sighed. “No, it’s more… never mind. We’ll talk when I get back, just… remember if I don’t make Christmas, I’m always there in spirit, okay?”
“Always,” I replied, my voice firm. “Love you, Trace.”
“Love you, too.”
I refused to be disappointed over something thatmighthappen, when he could still make it back for Christmas. Trace had his own life, and I wasn’t his dad—he didn’t have that pull toward coming home for family.
I got that.
The call ended, and Jax didn’t say anything, probably reading the room as I took a moment to compose myself, staring at the patterns of tree lights. My phone buzzed again, and a stupid rush of hope filled me that Trace was calling to say he’d changed his mind. It wasn’t him, this time, it was Sutton.
“Happy birthday, big guy!” Sutton's vibrant voice filled the air, lifting my spirits.
“Thanks, Sutt,” I replied, smiling. “How's everything on your end?”
“Busy as ever,” Sutton replied. “But hey, wanted to make sure I was one of the first to wish you. Can't let Trace hog all the limelight!”
“Yeah, he beat you to it,” I said, and Sutton did this huge dramatic put upon sigh.
“But I’m best man, right?”
“You both would be.” I laughed and caught Jax’s smile as he eased Charlie from his high chair and began to wipe everything down.
“Soooooo, thereisgoing to be a wedding then?”
“Oh my God, we haven’t been dating long.”
“But you’ve been together for three years.”
He wasn’t wrong. It was always the same with Sutton—light and breezy, always making sure to bring a smile to my face. Jax was smirking now, and I took the call out into the hallway.
“So, about your gift,” Sutton began, and I guessed it was probably going to arrive in a few days, never let it be said that Sutton was organized. “It says it’s arriving Wednesday.”
“Thank you.”
“I promise, I’ll get your Christmas present up to you earlier.”
My chest tightened. “You can bring it yourself.”
Sutton hesitated. “Sure, sure. Anyway, what are you up to today?”
That was classic avoidance by Sutton, but I didn’t press because I got the feeling he wouldn’t be making it back for Christmas either.That’s okay. I’ll have Jax, and his family.So why did my eyes feel sore, and why did my throat hurt?
And why did Jax’s expression seem so full of sympathy?
Maybe I should just say fuck it and visit both of them one after the other.
Only, they have their own lives now, and that is a good thing.
Our parents wouldn’t expect to see us all the time.