Carefully, I walked us over to the pile of furs that would be our bed for tonight and splayed her out on it, spreading her legs, then dove between them to taste the sweet nectar her cunt liked to provide me in abundance.

Her legs angled around my neck, giving me the freedom to use my hands and tongue to explore her tender folds to my heart's content.

A low mewl escaped her when my tongue played with her clit, circled it, before I sucked it into my mouth, moving my tongue back and forward. Her thighs tightened around my neck, and her hips began to move in sync with my tongue.

I found out there was a spot in her canal that, when touched, made her wild, and I inserted three fingers, scissored them, and began searching for it. Her mewls increased, assuring me that I was on the right track. Grinning, I kept working her clit with my mouth while teasing her first orgasm from her using the combination of my fingers and lips.

I loved it when she came this way, when her juices flowed freely and readily for me to lick and savor. I let go of her clit and did just that, greedily lapping at what she so generously provided, tasting the most delicious ambrosia in the world.

Listening to the increase in her breathing, to her hitched keening, I derived nothing but pleasure from bringing her to the cusp of ecstasy.

My cock was as hard and stiff as it had ever been. Precum leaked, and my balls were already swollen, ready to unload my seed into her, but I wasn't ready to find my own release yet. I wanted to brand my mark on her, wanted her writhing and panting before I claimed her fully. I wanted her to remember how hard I could make her come.


I teased two orgasms from her before her legs began to quiver around my ears, and I gently peeled them off me. They fell to the side as if boneless, and I moved in between them.

Holding my cock in one hand, aiming him at her entrance, I leaned on the elbow of my other arm and claimed her slightly open lips, stealing more of her breath, as her arms eagerly moved up and pulled me closer.

"Are you ready for me?" I teased.

"You know I am," she retorted with a weak grin.

My eyes latched on to her face as I slowly fed my cock into her tight canal. I loved watching her expression relax, loved how she took a sharp inhale as my cock spread her walls. Her long eyelashes fluttered, but it was her dilating pupils that drew me in the most. I thought I could get lost in their dark depths forever.

It took all my willpower not to come only halfway sheathed inside her. Gods, she was wet and warm, nothing compared to diving into her folds and the way her greedy cunt fought and welcomed me at the same time.

I pushed in deeper, watched her suck in her bottom lip and bite down on it as she savored my entrance as much as I did.

Her hips rose, pulling me deeper into her until my balls slapped against the swell of her butt cheeks. I hovered for a moment, my hand that had been guiding my cock was now free and cupped her bouncing tit. I looked between us as I pulled three-quarters of the way out of her. Bathed in her juices, my cock glistened, hard and swollen, and I pushed it back into her.

"Gods I love fucking you," I groaned.

"Fuck me harder, Kendryx," she demanded. I looked up and found her pupils fully dilated. There was only a slight disk of green visible around them as they shone in the hut's near darkness.

I claimed her lips again and pushed my tongue into her just as I pushed my cock, and she accommodated both while her hands dug into my hair and shoulder. Dull nails tried to scratch against the hardness of my skin, and I pushed harder, faster, just the way she liked it.

All my willpower left me when her walls fluttered against my cock in preparation of fully engulfing him.

"MINE!" I screamed when my balls constricted and pushed my seed through my cock into her womb.

"MINE!" I screamed again when her walls milked my shaft in earnest to squeeze the last seed out of him and the world around me exploded.

Iwasn'tsurewhatI loved more: him making me come on his fingers and mouth or on his cock. Both orgasms were like nothing I had ever experienced with any other man and yet they were different from each other.

What I loved most, though, was when he cocooned me in his embrace, when my legs were scissored around him, his cock sheathed so deep inside me that I thought he would nearly split me in half. Our fit was so tight it bordered on pain, and nothing had ever made me feel more complete.

He rode me hard, just like I had requested and how I loved it, while I clung to his neck and buried my nails into his skin without ever leaving a mark, even though deep inside me there was a strange urge to scratch him, mark him, claim him.

My heart was pounding inside my chest as my hips rose and fell in rhythm with his until I couldn't keep up any longer and laid still with my legs wrapped around him, which was when my muscles began to knot.

I arched into him; one of his hands was fully clamped around one of my tits, kneading it, while the other bounced freely up and down, and I wasn't sure what turned me on more.

The tendons in his thick neck stood out as his head moved back, and he clenched his jaw to keep his own orgasm at bay, waiting for me. No man had ever waited for me to finish first. Usually, I was lucky to ride a short orgasm at the end of his. Not with Kendryx though, no. He rode me until I saw stars, until the knot couldn't get any tighter, and with a scream, I let go and all my senses centered around the sweet pulsing that enveloped me.

Even then, Kendryx didn't allow himself to come as he increased the friction between us and slid the length of his cock across my clit to give me maximum pleasure.

When he did let go and screamed,MINE, something happened inside me. A sense of belonging like I had never experienced before rushed through me, combined with the aftermath of my climax, filling me with so much warmth that I realized I was falling in love with this alien.