When I reach the doorway, I find that she’s come to a dead stop about three steps in and is looking around at my neatly made bed, the running shoes tossed in the corner, the cluttered nightstand.Thank fucking fuck I don’t have any Luke stuff in here.

Nope, no Luke stuff.Just Liv.In my bedroom.In one of those dresses I’m obsessed with.

A predatory pleasure spreads through me, and I reach up and hook my fingers around the top of the doorframe, boxing her in.When she spins to face me, her eyes widen, her gaze traveling down my body before snapping back to the grin on my face.

“Gotcha,” I say lazily.But I don’t step into the room.Why would I when I can casually stretch one hand in her direction, wriggling my fingers as I say, “Give it up”?

Her nostrils flare as she cradles the phone to her chest, so I change my target and grab for her instead of her phone.Once my hand is on her waist, I tug her closer, and she comes willingly, bumping up against my chest.Her hand falls against my side, and instead of pulling away, her fingers curl around my hip.


I feel the shiver that moves through her as I growl her name, but just as quickly she pushes free and says, “Lemme just hit send on this and then I’ll be right with yo–oof!”

It’s only after I’ve tackled her to the bed that I realize my tactical error.

I actually don’t care if she sends the text.Plenty of people in town know my name so it’s notthatbig a mystery.But I’ve landed on top of her, and all I can feel is how soft she is under me, how warm.All I can see are those liquid brown eyes heating as I press her into the mattress.All I can hear is the tiny catch of her breath when my dick slides against her stomach because yep, I’m hard enough to bust through drywall.I know it.She knows it.And I know she knows it because she wiggles a little bit, just enough to notch the vee of her legs against the head of my cock, forcing me to bite back a groan.

But Liv’s not ready to stop messing with me.Her eyes spark as she lifts her hands over her head, holding the phone away from me.

I’m not ready to stop playing either, so I reach up and cage her wrists.

“What now?”I murmur, my breath hot against her cheek.

With a little moan, she drops her phone.I hear it thunk to the carpet, and then I don’t hear anything because she’s stretching up to brush her lips against mine.It’s the briefest, lightest touch imaginable, but it’s enough for me to know that she’ll taste sweet, like angel sugar cookie and angel Liv.

When I move to kiss her back, she whispers “Hollis” and catches my lower lip between her teeth.As she does, her legs fall open, letting me sink farther into her.The fabric of her dress is thin—I’ve always thought the stuff she wears was too lightweight for winter—but I’m damn grateful right now because I can feel the heat of her pussy through our layers of clothes.

“Fuck,” I growl against her mouth.“You and these dresses.”

I keep her wrists pinned with one hand while I slowly start to pull on the sash at her waist with the other, watching intently so I can stop if she tells me to.

She doesn’t tell me to.

When the tie comes undone and the front of the dress falls open, her eyes fall shut, and she arches her back in a clear invitation.

“Jesus, baby.Jesus.”I let go of her wrists to drag my hands down her sides, then back up to rest just below her breasts.“Been wanting to unwrap you for ages.”

She slides her leg up mine to hook around my upper thigh.It opens her up even more, and I grind into her until she’s rocking against the hot friction of my erection.

“That’s so nice, Hollis,” she whispers.“That feels so nice.”

She slides her hands under my hoodie, trailing her fingers along my spine until she reaches my shoulders and starts to push it off.That’s when the tiniest flicker of alarm sparks to life in my brain.

Nice.Like naughty or nice.

Like Luke asked her before he got her off.

She doesn’t know that I’m Luke.

Fuck.Fucking fuck.What the fuck am Idoing?

I must tense up because her eyes slowly blink open, and she looks at me with a hazy, unfocused gaze.“W-what’s happening?”

What’s happening is that I got so wrapped up in the absolute rightness of Liv being in my house and meeting my family and lying in my bed that I forgot all the reasons I can’t actually have any of that.So I steel myself to do the hardest thing I’ve ever done.I roll off her.

She pushes herself up on her elbows once I’m flat on my back on the mattress next to her.“Are you okay?”

No.“We can’t do this.”