“No.They’re not.”Then her gaze drops to her lap.“I told CJ and Darby and Birdy what we did.”She glances back up.“Me and Luke, not me and you.”

“Yeah.I figured.”

“I told them you were a magical one-time fling that I’d think about when I’m an old woman.”

Even though I expected it, her confession settles like a dull pain in my chest.

“I also told Luke that he’s nothing but wild times and glitter and that you, Hollis, were the person I actually wanted in my life.”

“I remember,” I say evenly.“It made me feel amazing and disposable at the same time.”

Her face twists in dismay before she hardens up again.“And whose fault is that?”

I raise my hands in surrender.“Mine.All mine.”

“I told you things in confidence.And we…” She glances away again, pink creeping into her cheeks.


“That wasn’t how I wanted it to be with us the first time.”

“In the VIP room?”

She nods, still not meeting my eyes.

“Was it so bad?”Of all the conversations I don’t want to have tonight, her telling me that I showed her a mediocre time in the VIP room is pretty damn high on the list.

“Come on, you know it wasn’t.”She’s still blushing, but she’s rolling her eyes too.“I didn’t know I was having my first kiss withyou,though.”

“Does that matter?”

“Yes, it fucking matters,” she snaps.“I thought about kissing you all the time, and when it happened, I?—”

“You thought about it?”My heart jitters, and I press my sweaty palms against my jeans.

“So many times.”

“So why didn’t you?”

“Because you’re Jonesy!”Thank god, her calm mask is starting to slip.The more she sounds like herself, the better I feel.“You flirt with Mrs.Wickenwarg and you hang out with hot Chicago blondes and you do theDirty Dancinglift with Marcus.”She flings her hands into the air.“I thought you were like that with everybody!I had no idea you were interested inme.”

“Baby, for weeks now I’ve been telling anyone who’ll listen how much I love you.”

Oh.Shit.Well, that’s out there now.

Her eyes widen.“You… you don’t.”

“Yeah, Liv, I do.”

She surges to her feet, glances wildly around the living room like she’s trying to find an answer or an exit, then sits down again and reaches for her wineglass.But a second later she sets it back on its coaster without taking a drink.

“Is that why you were scared to tell me you’re Luke?”

“A big part of it, yeah.”

“Is that also why in the VIP room, you…” Her eyes drop to my lap, and I laugh as she delicately nibbles on her thumbnail.

“Yeah, Livvie-Liv.”I shift, the memory alone making my cock perk up.“You know your fantasies about Luke?Well, my fantasy’s hearing you scream my name when you come.You can’t blame a guy for having to walk-of-shame it back to the dressing room after that.”I shoot her a crooked smile.“A visible wet spot’s kind of a party foul in the stripper handbook.”