She nods confidently.“I’ve got this, Holly.”

Fuck, that stupid nickname sounds like music coming from her.

She’s evaluating the artisan soaps when a beaming middle-aged woman comes bearing down on us.

“Hollis!What a surprise!It’s so good to see you.”

“Hi, Mrs.Washington.”I bend down to give her a hug.Her tight black curls have more silver in them than I remember, but her dark skin’s still unlined and glowing.

“How are you?”she asks when she releases me.“How’s your mom doing?And Wyatt?I heard he had a tough recovery.”

Two months ago, that question would’ve been enough to have me sprinting out of the store, but instead, I answer without an overload of angst.“They’re both great.Wy’s pretty much back to normal”—I don’t mention his recent breakup—“and the doctors are thrilled at Mom’s recovery.”

She presses a hand to her ample bosom.“Praise the Lord.”Then her eyes track to Liv, as focused as a matchmaking robot.“And who’s this?”

“This is my friend, Liv Fielding,” I say.“Liv, Mrs.Washington was our neighbor when Wyatt and I were kids.”

“It’s nice to meet you.”Liv offers her hand.“Your store is incredible.I want to buyeverything.”

Mrs.Washington laughs.“Please do.We’re having a good fourth quarter, but it can always be better.”

Liv holds up the soap in her hand.“I’m helping Hollis pick out gifts for Becks and Drea, but I’m not sure if this is the right scent for either of them.”

The older woman’s nose wrinkles.“Definitely not.Let me think…” Her face brightens.“Follow me.I have just the thing.”

I let the women go on without me, taking my time to study the big brass paperweights shaped like grasshoppers and frogs and pomegranates.

Liv’s right.I kind of want one of everything Mrs.Washington’s selling here.

I amble over to where the women are frowning at a display of chunky fingerless knit gloves.

“Which ones?”Liv holds up a pink pair with yarn-embroidered flowers and a black pair with peace signs on the wrists.

“For Becks?The pink,” I say, and she nods in agreement.I scan the rest of the gloves with a frown.“Nothing’s quite right for Drea though.”

She turns to Mrs.Washington.“See?I told you he has a great eye.”

“He always has,” she agrees.“He helped me with some cleanup work around the house last summer and insisted on planting tulips.They bloomed this year and transformed my whole yard.”

I force myself to accept her compliment with a little more grace than usual, but then she threatens to upend my entire existence when she digs through the pile of knitted winter wear and holds up the worst possible thing in the world.

“Hollis is so thoughtful.Wouldn’t this be perfect for him?”she jokes, brandishing a red hat topped with a white pom-pom… and an attached knitted Santa beard.“You need to keep your chin warm while you’re doing your good deeds.”

She holds it in front of my face, and I backpedal in horror.

“Nope!”I say too loudly.“Ha ha!No, um, no, thank you!It’s cute, but no!”

Liv’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind, but Mrs.Washington just smiles even bigger.“You’re so right, my dear.Santa’s certainly not the reason for the season.”She glances at Liv.“You’ve got a good one here.You two let me know when you’re ready to check out.”

After she’s gone, I bury the Santa hat under the colorful pile of mittens.

“So we’re not at a joking place about my Santa thing,” she says.“Noted.”

I’m sure as hell not, not when I’m still jealous as hell about the things she did with Santa.Who is also me.Jesus.

I’ve turned away, needing a moment to gather myself, when I see it.

“Oh.This.We’re getting Drea this.”