CJ hands her a fresh martini.“Here.This’ll help.”

Birdy smiles her thanks, then says, “I haven’t met Jonesy yet.What’s he like?”

“Total charming flirt,” CJ says.“Hot as hell.Tons of fun.”

The description makes me frown, and I glance over to see that Darby’s expression is similar.

“I think he tends to get underestimated,” she says.

“And he underestimates himself,” I add.“Ho—uh, Jonesy has some wildly incorrect ideas about the person he is.”Shit.Even though he’s Hollis to me now, I did promise that I’d keep it to myself, so Jonesy it is in public.

Darby’s eyes find mine.“You should talk to him.”

“I tried,” I say briskly, searching for a distraction.The brie should be cool enough to at least serve, so I grab one of CJ’s sledding snowman plates and fork up a portion.“He basically shut down.”

“Yum,” Birdy says when I hand her the plate.“But yuck.Maybe you should try again.God knows it took me and Seb a few tries to get the communication right.”

I hand the next loaded plate to Darby, who nods encouragingly.

“What’s the point?”I sigh.“The Minneapolis job is pretty much a done deal.”

CJ stabs her fork into a brie ball.“Orrrrr you could keep racking up the freelance jobs from companies desperate to work with you outside of the limitations of big, stuffy firms, which you can do from my guest room until you find your own place here in town.”

“Ohhh, I like that!”Darby says.“You should do that.”

“How many inquiries are currently in your inbox, and are they enough to support you while you live with me for free?”CJ demands.

“Um.More than a few.”Way more than a few actually.I’ve heard from a surprising number of former clients asking if I’m available to create campaigns for them next year.It’s enough to seriously consider giving it a go as an independent ad director.I could probably even pay CJ rent.But it’s a huge gamble, and despite recent behaviors—Hollis, Santa Luke, that sexy red bra—I really am committed to cutting back on risks.

“Then again, what do I know?”CJ says around a mouthful of bread and brie.“I’m just a badass corporate consultant and international assassin wrangler.”

“I knew it!”I say, grateful to move off my employment woes.

Birdy snorts.“I hope all of that’s true.”

CJ shrugs enigmatically.

“Anyway,” Darby says, “if you were sticking around, I do think Jonesy would open up to you more.Without betraying any confidences, I think he”—she considers before she speaks again—“he got in over his head with you and doesn’t know how to get out of it.”

“I think I’d rather have that conversation with Luke,” I joke.

Birdy cough-laughs and almost spits out a cranberry.

“Kidding,” I say quickly.“Luke was…guh.He’s that person you get one night with that you think about when you’re old.”My mind wants to whisk me back to that little room, but no, that’s not what we’re talking about now.“With Jonesy, I’m all tangled up.Talking to him sounds terrifying because I don’t want to get the ‘let’s stay friends’ lecture again.”

Darby hesitates before speaking again.“Guys have all kinds of sides they can show us if they’re brave enough.”She looks like she’s about to say more, then she shrugs and reaches for her drink.“Give Jonesy a little grace.I don’t think he’s ever had a relationship he was truly scared to lose before.”

I’m about to ask her to tell me more, tell meeverything, about his past relationships and why ours might be different when her phone lights up with a text.

“Speaking of the guys, they’re almost here,” she says.

“The guys?”I repeat.“As in Hollis?”

“Who’s…?Oh my God, Jonesy’s first name isHollis?”CJ shrieks.

I screw my eyes shut and try to sink into the couch.“Pretend I didn’t say that.”

Darby just laughs.“Don’t worry.I know all his secrets.”