“I would,” I say.“I would die.”

When we step out of the car, I notice that the lingerie shop’s all lit up and buzzing with activity.Three cheers for extended holiday hours.

“Hey, Ceej?Can we go on a quick side quest?”

I pivot on my heel without waiting for her to answer and head for Fantasia.After a week of personal and professional disappointment, I’m ready for some unwise decisions.Well, maybe not unwise, but certainly not practical.

I walk straight to the rack with the bra I tried on a month ago.The hangers clink as I search for my size and sail into the dressing room, where I pull off my old one and replace it with the red lace and satin.It’s as overtly, gaudily sexy as it was the first time.But unlike that time, I feel ready for it.Ready to be alive and a little dangerous.

With a nod at the vixen in the mirror, I yank the tag off, put my dress back on, and stride to the checkout.“I’m wearing this out,” I announce to Jessica as I slap the tag on the counter.

Her soft cheeks plump into a smile.“Nice to see you again, sweetheart!I always love it when someone walks out in my merchandise.”

CJ joins us and drops a pair of matching red panties onto the counter.“Go big or go home,” she says by way of explanation.

I shrug and let Jessica add them to my total.She insists on wrapping them in candy cane-striped tissue paper and tucking them into a pretty gift bag.“You deserve to unwrap this when you get home,” she says with a wink.“Are you headed next door?”

I tap my credit card on the reader and show her all my teeth.“I’ve got a date with Santa.”

Her delighted laugh fills the store.“Give him hell, Liv.”

“I will,” I say with determination.“I definitely will.”

Next door, we pay the cover and settle into a two-person table that sits about halfway back from the stage, like last time.Between getting dressed up and grabbing dinner and then the drive to North Village, we’re breezing in with about three seconds to spare before the start of the show.

What a weird interlude this month has been.Like I stepped out of my regular life and reverted to younger Liv.Rooming with CJ, working a restaurant job, going out on the weekends, developing hopeless crushes on people who are way too hot for their own good.Other than the employment setbacks, I’ve been having so much damn fun.I didn’t realize that my life had gotten soun-fun recently.All corporate rules and no play.Maybe that’s why I gambled on Richie and SparkNexus.I lost, but I’m still standing.

“Hey!It’s your guy!”CJ hisses, and I blink back to the present to see Santa Luke strutting onstage.

“Love that for me,” I murmur, my eyes fixed on the stage.

Beard, check.Hat, check.Sunglasses, check.Smoking hot body, check, check, check.He pivots, spins, yanks his vest off.Snaps the suspenders, body roll, body roll, rips the tank top, wriggles across the stage, body roll, body roll, body roll.It’s sexy as hell, and he’s working it hard.When the time comes for Luke to work the crowd one-on-one, he pulls himself into a one-armed handstand on the edge of the stage.Like it always does, the position tightens every one of the muscles in his body, and it’s easy to imagine that’s how he is during sex, his body tense and coiled as he starts to work himself inside of you.Naturally, the room screams its approval.

Just when I think he can’t possibly hold himself up any longer, he launches himself into a twisting spin and lands lightly on his feet.

“Every time I see that, it’s impressive.”

“Sure as hell is,” CJ agrees.“Want to call him over?”

Tempting, but no.I can wait until it’s just the two of us.Impatient now, I squirm in my seat as he finishes up the crowd work and leaps back onstage to finish his performance.The rest of the show flies by, and then four women are being chosen from the crowd to join Luke, Diesel, Rocket, and Victor Vice onstage.

CJ starts to wave and point at me as a possible volunteer, then drops her hands with a laugh when I shoot her a death glare.“Just kidding!I do want to stay friends with you.”

“Good call,” I say, cringing at the thought of being flipped around onstage to the cheers of the crowd.

Like the last time we were here, all four chosen audience members are manhandled by their assigned dancers in an over-the-top display of grinding and cock-in-thong waving and winky allusions to him going down on her or her going down on him, or both.I watch transfixed as Luke flaunts his incredible body, pulling his partner down onto his lap like she has no say in the matter and he gets to decide where she goes and what she feels, which is the impression I left the club with two weeks ago.

Left with.Fantasized about for the next several nights.Potato, potahto.Just thinking about Luke doing that to me in private makes me involuntarily Kegel.

“Okay!”CJ exclaims when the group number is done and the volunteers are stumbling off the stage red-cheeked and grinning.“Let’s book some private dances.”

“Oh, you’re getting one too, are you?”

She shrugs as she waves her hand to get Nick’s attention where he’s hovering at the edge of the room, watching the crowd.“When in Rome, ya know?”

The white-bearded owner makes his way over with a smile on his face.

“Hello, ladies!Good to see you again,” he says in his booming voice.“How’d you enjoy the show?”