The silence grew uncomfortable, so Maya decided to answer. "I found Marni as I searched along the road. She just told me about her playhouse in the woods and I asked to see it. Then, her mom arrived and we've been chatting."
Marni and her mom said not a single word. It was weird. Jasiah turned his body to face Marni's mom. When she didn't look at him, he asked, "Is there a problem with Marni showing Maya her playhouse, Zara?"
"No." Zara never looked Jasiah in the eye. She didn't acknowledge him at all, other than to respond to his question.
Jasiah inhaled deeply. "Marni, can you show Maya your playhouse? Then I believe your mama needs you to go home."
Marni nodded. "Okay."
Zara turned and stalked up the road without another word. Maya looked into Jasiah's eyes. He offered nothing by way of explanation. "You okay then, Maya?"
"I am." She cocked her head to the right. "Are you?"
He huffed out a breath. "I am. Marni, don't forget to get back home right away when you've shown Maya your playhouse."
"I won't."
Jasiah nodded once then turned and followed Zara's path up the mountain road. Maya watched him for a while then turned to see Marni staring at her.
"He seems a little mad." Marni mumbled.
"I don't think so. He's different, but I don't think he's mad."
Marni shrugged. "My dad doesn't like him."
She turned and stepped into the woods and Maya followed close behind, so she didn't lose sight of Marni.
Jasiah's chest tightened as he followed Zara up the mountain road. At the top she turned toward her cabin, but Jasiah wanted to chat. "Zara, do you have a minute?"
Zara stopped, her shoulders fell forward, her back expanded as she took in a deep breath. After a few seconds, she slowly turned toward him.
"What do you need?"
"You weren't exactly friendly to Maya just now. Is there a problem?"
Zara's fists balled at her sides. "Should there be?"
Jasiah looked into her blue eyes. The whites of her eyes were red as if she hadn't been sleeping. Dark circles smudged her complexion under her eyes.
"Not at all. It's important we keep things peaceful with the folks from Glen Hollow."
Zara's words were short and clipped. "Does that mean we need to kiss their asses? It seemed as though you were doing a good enough job of that. Must we all?"
He flinched slightly at her raised and harsh tone. "I didn't say you had to kiss her ass, or anyone else's. I simply said you weren't friendly with her, and I wondered what the problem was."
"I don't have a problem, Jasiah. I have work to do."
Zara turned abruptly and stalked toward her little cabin, next to his parents, where she'd lived since marrying Adam Jacobs.
"Jasiah?" His mom called from her door.
He hustled to her quickly, his heart dreading her next words. Stepping onto the porch, he inhaled a deep breath, and stepped through the door of the cabin.
Three things hit him as he entered.
The warmth. It was warm in here, the fire crackled and popped and the heat encircled him.