"I was about to come and find you. I understand there is a virus on the phones. I have your father's phone right here." She held her hand out with the phone.
"Thank you." He gently took the phone and slid it into his back pants pocket. "Is Dad too tired to speak with me? I would like his blessing before the council meeting."
She turned toward his father, whose eyes fluttered open. His mom nodded at him and Jasiah strolled to his father's bedside. Sitting on the edge he took his father's hands in his.
"The council is about to tell the residents that I'm to be interim president."
His dad nodded. "That's good."
Jasiah took a deep breath. "I'd like to tell them that soon that status will change. They will need to know eventually."
His mom neared and rested her hand on his right shoulder. Her silence unnerved him a bit then his father's eyes glanced at his mom, then back to him.
"Become president now, Jasiah."
"I don't want it like this."
"It's your duty."
"If we're going to be a new kind of community, we need to let the people vote."
His father's brows furrowed, and his head moved side to side. "It's not done that way."
Jasiah leaned forward slightly. "It hasn't been done in the past, but I want it to be that way in the future. If we're going to successfully merge with the townspeople below, we need to begin acting as they do. They elect their own mayors and leadership. We need to do that up here too. I want your blessing to do this."
His father let out a shallow breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he stared into Jasiah's eyes for a long time. "I'm so very proud of you Jasiah. So proud."
Jasiah's eyes watered, and he squeezed his father's hands. "I'm the man I am, because of you."
His mother squeezed his shoulder. He leaned forward and hugged his father, then stood and hugged his mother to him. It was time to be the man he'd been taught to be.
Inhaling a deep breath, he stepped out of the cabin and strode to the center of the common area, where the residents began gathering. As was custom, he and the council stood at the front of the covered common area, benches arranged for tonight's meeting. The fire just outside of the covered area was already burning hot and would warm them as the sun set fully.
Smiles were bestowed upon him, as no doubt, everyone already knew what tonight's gathering was about. Tires on the road caused his heartbeat to ratchet up and anticipation of seeing Maya again filled him. He watched the road, and finally saw her Jeep drive toward the parking area and stop. Another vehicle followed her and parked next to her vehicle. Maya and Henry, whom he'd met at meetings in town, exited her Jeep. The other vehicle carried Myles and Spencer.
He moved toward them, eager to be near Maya once more, but also to discuss how they'd handle the phone situation with his residents. He smiled at her as she stepped forward, the urge to reach out and hug her was so strong it took his breath away. Myles reached forward and shook his hand, as did Henry, and Spencer.
Maya whispered to him. "They'll take the phones and plug them into our scanner, to remove any viruses found on them."
She smiled. "It's alright. We got what we needed. The rest is to cover Marni."
Pride filled his chest at the lengths she was going to protect Marni. That was a woman with a big heart.
"Thank you for helping her."
"Of course. I made her a promise and I'll do everything I can to keep it."
He nodded. "Okay. We're just about to start the meeting. I'll announce that they should give you the phones first, then we'll get to business."
"Sounds good. Where do you want us to be?"
Jasiah pointed to the table to the side of the meeting area. "If you'd like to sit at that second table, the residents will come to you."
"Sounds good."
Maya looked at her teammates and they nodded and began to sit at the second table.