"It's called New Jersey Tea. The little flowers are what most of us use for tea."
"No coffee trees up here?" She chuckled to keep the tone light.
Jasiah chuckled in return. "No. None of those."
"What is that tree with the unusual white blooms?"
Jasiah chuckled. "That's witch hazel. We use that one quite a lot up here. It's medicinal, it's a cleaner, and it smells good."
Maya stopped and looked at the huge tree with the blooms that looked like mini fireworks. "I've never seen a witch hazel tree."
Jasiah and Marni waited for her to finish staring at the tree in silence. After a few moments, she began walking once again and they continued on in silence.
She inhaled a few times as they passed by witch hazel trees and the fragrance was wonderful. Clean and fresh smelling. It never occurred to her to learn about trees and shrubs for their life-giving purposes.
They neared the edge of the clearing and Maya stepped forward. "Let me go to my Jeep and get my equipment. I'll be quick about it."
She moved ahead quickly, eager to get the information she needed. She'd upload that to Tate then she'd make the drive to Brookswood to learn what she could about the renter of the car she'd seen speeding away yesterday.
Opening the back passenger door, she reached into her duffle bag and pulled out the small hand-held monitor she'd need. It was smaller than her hand and zipped up in a case.
She grinned as she caught up to Jasiah and Marni. For her part, Marni seemed scared and apprehensive. Her face was taut, her eyes dull, and Maya's heart went out to her. It was quite possible adults had let her down before. She hoped they wouldn't do that.
Jasiah stopped in front of the door and knocked. The three of them stood side by side as the door opened and Zara appeared. Her eyes dropped onto Jasiah first. She stared for a few moments then her eyes swiveled over to her. Zara's seemed to harden for a moment. She squinted slightly then dragged her gaze away and landed her eyes on Marni.
"What's going on?" She nearly barked.
Marni softly said, "Maya needs to see something."
Maya spoke up then. "I've just been informed by my boss that some of the phones up here have possibly been infected with a virus."
"What does that mean? Phones can't get sick."
Maya shook her head quickly. "Not a virus like humans get. This is an electronic virus that can make your phone unusable." She held up her little monitor. "I can plug into the phone and check it for the virus. I've already checked Jasiah's phone and we'll be going around to check all the phones."
Zara hesitated for a moment, then disappeared. She came back a minute later with a phone in her hand. "He never takes it, and I don't know how to use it."
"I don't need to take it anywhere, I'll scan it here."
Maya quickly unzipped her carry case and pulled the monitor cord free. She gently took the phone from Zara and plugged it in before she could change her mind. Clicking on the monitor, she watched as the light turned green and the data transferred to it. There wasn't much data on it. Apparently Adam Jacobs hadn't embraced the cell phone lifestyle.
As soon as she got the green flashing light, she unplugged the phone and handed it back to Zara. "It's clean. No virus. Thank you for letting me check."
Neatly folding the cord into the case and zipping it, she looked at Jasiah. "Which one next?"
Jasiah nodded to Zara, "Thank you, Zara." He stepped back and turned toward the cabin he'd said his parents lived in.
Maya glanced at Marni. "Thank you for showing me your playhouse. I appreciate your help."
"You're welcome." Marni sullenly moved into the house and Zara stepped back and closed the door without another word.
Catching up to Jasiah, Maya fell into step with him. They trudged up the two steps to his parents’ home and Jasiah stopped. "My dad is sick."
"I know."
"I don't want to worry them. But they have a phone and Zara would know that."