“I don’t care. I can take it.”
“I don’t know that I’ll be able to hold back,” River ground out. “I still don’t feel attracted to you, but I need you claimed as a pack mate in the same way I did for Nick. My need to secure the pack and find Ava is riding me hard right now. If Wolf bites you, I may bite you, too.”
“Me too,” Ryder growled.
“I want to bite you, too,” Nick said. “Even if it does nothing. Our pack needs to be strong to get her back. It’s going to take everything we’ve got, and it’s not complete without you.”
It was so corny, but I felt like a cartoon character with the outline of a heart beating out of my chest. These men would never diminish me, only make me a better version of myself.
“I’ve let go of my fear of being claimed, and that goes for all of you. I trust each of you, and I trust this pack. You’ve earned it.” I swiveled my head around to meet each of their eyes, needing them to know I meant it. Acknowledging the importance of the connection they were offering me. Before I swung my gaze back to Wolf. “Ava said accepting that I’m an omega would set me free. Now I know what she meant. I’m ready to let go ofeverythingthat’s been holding me back. I’m ready, Wolf.”
Wolf lifted his hands from where they’d lodged on my waist. I instantly missed their weight. He pulled his long sleeve t-shirt up and over his head, baring his chest to me and the frosty night air. Ava’s bite shone like a beacon in the moonlight.
“The trust goes both ways, Cary. You have as much influence in this claim as we do, and as much power. You could break me,” he said. His wild aura suddenly intensified, as if he was baring his soul to me as well. It didn’t scare me. The vulnerability in his eyes destroyed me. I’d never thought about it that way. That he was trusting me, too. They all were. Making this decision outside of a heat or sex suddenly made it seem so much more purposeful. My teeth suddenly ached with the need to claim Wolf as mine.
“Do it,” I begged.
He didn’t hesitate. He lunged, grabbed my head, and swiftly turned it aside as he clamped down on my shoulder. A burst of searing pain blinded me as a cry forced itself past my clamped teeth. Three more bites followed quickly and the presence of my mates, along with Wolf’s wild energy, flooded me. It was heat, comfort, friendship, and safety, exactly as Ava had said. It was agony and bliss mixed in a single sensation that had a tear tracking down my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Ava’s bite mark on Wolf’s neck right in front of me. I moved on instinct, latching on alongside hers, so that our bites intertwined. Wolf groaned against my shoulder and his hips thrust against me as he pulled me harder against him.
A white light bloomed behind my eyes and washed through me as a feeling of peace settled over me. But a profound sense of loss chased it as I felt the muted space where Ava should be.
“Ava,” I cried out as I released my teeth from Wolf’s neck. That emptiness felt like death and tore at me.
Wolf wrapped his arms around me again as he held me close. My pack mates pushed in around me, seeking their own comfort from the contact.Why had I been so afraid of this?
“Whatever you need, I’ll get it for you,” Wolf whispered.
“I need her back with us,” I groaned. She was our beating heart. Not me. And I was perfectly fine with that. It was a relief, knowing I didn’t need to fulfill that role. I finally understood mine was to support her. It always had been. It was the thing I’d craved since the moment I’d met her. What I’d been born to do.
I felt the agreement of my pack mates, and the sensation was a little overwhelming. Each of their feelings crowded in alongside my own and I suddenly felt so much larger than myself. Every boundary between us fell away. It was a little overwhelming, but I felt lighter and more connected than I’d ever known. It was going to take some getting used to.
“We’re getting her back,” Wolf growled.
“Yeah, we are.” Nick reached out and ran a hand over Wolf’s hair, and I felt a deep appreciation for his steadiness. I suddenly realized what Hunter had meant when he talked about Max being their center. Ava was desire and heat, and a spark that drew us in and united us. Nick was the cool river that ensured we wouldn’t burn out. He was a balm on my soul.
But right now, we had work to do and an omega to get back. My omega. I reached out to the space she should occupy through her bond with our mates, and there was only a fuzzy blankness.
River pulled back first. “We need a status update,” he growled.
Wolf and I hastily pulled our shirts back on, and we hustled back inside. I felt a sense of unity I’d never known before, almost as if we were in sync, and I was one part of a whole. I could feel Wolf’s energy stir through me, washing me with a potent force that made me feel as if I could take on an army. It had my dick hard. Ryder looked over at me and grinned, as if he knew exactly what I was feeling.Asshole.
His grin widened. He’d caught that.
Wolf suddenly reached out and grabbed my hand as we passed back through the Palace doors. I didn’t mind. I could sense the wild need to get to Ava pulling at him, to run and smash the world until he found her. He needed me to ground him until he could get to her, and I was okay with that.
Lexie gave us a once over, but didn’t comment beyond a raised eyebrow. She’d been busy while we were gone. She didn’t even wait for us to ask. Just launched into an update while Pala talked to someone on the Network’s communication device.
“Sadie is getting the omegas prepped to go in about ten minutes. She’s not messing around. She’s taking them to the mountains. We figured the risk of traveling at night is outweighed by the bigger risk of them staying here once we’re all gone. They’re taking the PMV for added protection. We had a mechanic join us at the farm recently, and he’s been in town repairing it. He managed to re-attach the gun turret after Wolf tore it off. One of Sam’s team from town is driving it and will bring it back once everyone is secure on the mountain. We’ve sourced enough extra vehicles from town to transport them all. Matt, Anders, and Oliver are going with her. Miles and Owen are taking Emma, too, because Sadie has a doctor at her cabin. They’ll meet us at the farm when we get back with Ava.”
“Is that going to leave the farm unprotected? And town?” River asked, and Lexie frowned.
“Yes, but our community on the farm has emergency protocols in place to follow. Dave has been doing intensive training in defense measures with the farm workers to prepare for something like this. They’re rookies but they know what to do and will defend their homes. There’s honestly nothing much of value in town at the moment, so apart from some petty thievery, they should be okay until we get back. They’re banding together. We’ve sent any vulnerable women and single mothers with kids to the farm for the next few days, just in case. Isobella and Sirena are looking after them all.”
“How is Emma?” I asked.
“Emma is still unconscious. Miles and Oliver will let us know when she wakes up. It should give us an indication when Ava will wake up too, as long as they used the same dosage. They’re a similar body weight.”
She deliberately didn’t mention any other option, like Ava not waking up, and nobody called her on it.