“Oh, give me that,” Cary huffed, as he moved over and grabbed the razor out of my hand, where it was still hovering an inch off my balls. He kneeled down in front of me. “You hold your dick and I’ll shave.”

“I’m trusting you here, Cary,” I warned him.

“Yeah, yeah. I won’t cut off your precious balls. I promise. This thing tickles more than anything.”

“I might have to try that later,” came a sweet voice from the doorway. Cary and I both froze.


Rydershotaglareat River, who was chuckling. “Oh yeah, Ava’s awake. She just had a quick shower. Did I not mention that?”

Ryder huffed, but I could see the smile he was trying to hide and feel his affection for his twin in our bond. It made my heart happy to see them back in sync with each other.

I looked over at Wolf and smiled when I noticed him wearing my robe. He seemed completely at home in it. He clearly didn’t care what anyone else thought. “Can you keep the beard? Maybe just tidy it up? I kinda like it. The robe, too. I might have to steal it back later, now that it smells of you.”

“Whatever you want,” Wolf growled. The sound, and the way his eyes burned through me, sent a shiver up my spine.No, down omega.

I looked at Cary and River. “Can I watch, too?” Cary had frozen with one hand on Ryder’s balls and the razor in the other. He looked up at Ryder, then back at me.

“No. Sorry. You need to go, Ava. I am not shaving Ryder’s balls while he has a hard-on.”

A laugh burst from me that felt good. I was floating on air today. The only jeans and leggings I had here were dirty, so I’d put on a chunky cream cable-knit sweater, paired with a short, pleated tartan skirt. The kind that was perfect for flipping up and taking me against a wall, or so my romance books liked to imply. Five sets of eyes currently fixed on my legs seemed to have the same idea. The thigh high socks and chunky boots I was wearing didn’t seem to be any deterrent.

“Okay, let’s take you to get some breakfast,” River said, breaking the spell. He slipped off the bench, picked me up, and walked away as I wrapped my legs around him. “I just need to find some clothes first.”

“Right side drawers in Ava’s wardrobe. Grab whatever fits,” Cary yelled.

“Thank you,” River called over his shoulder.

“So you’re getting dressed?” I asked, as I bit my lip and pressed myself closer to him.

River groaned. “Yes, or we’re never leaving this suite today.” I knew we had to. Our friends had been covering our absence for days and we’d stretched our security team thin, covering so many bases.

“I’ll turn around then,” I said as he dragged me down his body. I spun towards the wall and he pushed me into it with his heavy weight. His hands were instantly up under my skirt. I liked this version of River. He was all alpha, and it had me captivated.

“You’re addictive, little bird,” he whispered in my ear, before he kissed his bite mark on my neck, making me gasp. It felt like he’d just kissed my clit. As if the two had become intimately connected. He ran his finger over the wisps of lace I was wearing under my skirt.

“What are these?” he growled.

“A surprise for later. Something I’ve never worn before.” The Palace had provided me with lingerie to wear during my debut season. I’d looked at the sheer panels and lace, and thought they were impractical. So I’d put them aside. Now, they fit the mood I found myself in this morning. Curious, alive. Every movement of my body was new and exciting.

He pulled back and smacked me lightly on the ass, making me gasp.

“Wait in the living room, but don’t leave without me. You’re not going anywhere alone today when you smell like that and are wearing those,” he growled.

My heat may have ebbed, but my scent was spiking at the slightest provocation and I only had to look at one of my mates to feel horny. It was a novel sensation. I smiled sweetly at him over my shoulder. “Have fun getting some pants on,” I said as I eyed the bulge in his towel. “I’d be happy to help, but apparently we’re in a hurry.”

“Oh, little bird. You’re playing a dangerous game.”

I was. I planned to explore every aspect of this new dynamic between us.

I put a little extra sway into my step to make my skirt swish. I’d seen it in a movie once. He groaned loudly as I left the room, and I fought the urge to laugh. I hadn’t known having a mate, or mates, could be so fun.

He was back out with me before I’d barely sat down, wearing some worn dark jeans that fit him like a glove and a dark t-shirt. He pulled on a warm jacket before he yanked me up off the couch roughly and kissed me thoroughly.

“Whatever you guys are doing out there, cut it out,” Ryder called from the bathroom. “I’m about to poke Cary’s eye out.”

My laughter finally burst free, and River smiled at me. “We could be evil, but I don’t want to freak Cary out too much.”