“You guys are lucky they seemed to keep this suite well stocked,” Nick said, ignoring the awkward sexual tension and swooping in like the superhero he was. The guy needed a cape. “There’s a few electric razors in the bottom drawer and a hair trimming kit. I noticed them the other day when I was looking for a toothbrush. I came straight here from town and didn’t bring anything with me except the clothes I was wearing.”

“Cary said I can borrow some of his clothes,” I said, helping Nick out with the subject change. “Is it okay if Nick borrows some, too?”

“Of course,” Cary said as he seemed to shake himself and bent to open the bottom drawer. He pulled out a bunch of grooming appliances.

“Wow, the Palace really was big on grooming,” I said, as I rifled through it all.

“You have no idea,” Cary chuckled. It sounded as if there was a story there, and I hoped one day I’d get to hear it. For now, he was slowly loosening back up around Wolf, and that was enough. “Wolf, can you please grab that stool and drag it over here next to the power outlet so you can sit on it? This thing doesn’t have a long cord.”

I felt River’s presence a moment before he stepped through the doorway, although he hadn’t made a sound. I knew he’d woken up just before Nick arrived. It was a twin thing. He strolled in and hopped up on the counter without saying a word. His hair was damp, and he had a towel wrapped around his waist. The five of us hanging out together felt right.

“Morning,” Nick said cheerfully from where he was still drying himself off while standing on the bathmat. River just winked at him. Nick had a way of making River lighten up and focus on what was in front of him that made me happy to see. Ordinarily, River barely acknowledged people around him. It wasn’t on purpose, his mind was usually just elsewhere. Working out a problem five steps ahead of where we were at.

“Can I join in?” River asked Cary. I tried to keep my happy smile to myself and not make him self-conscious. I often had to drag him to interact with people, but he genuinely seemed to want to be in here with us.

Cary rolled his eyes, completely resigned to his fate at this point. “Sure, why not?”

“So, what are we doing?” River asked, and to my surprise, Cary laughed.

“Manscaping,” he replied.

“Man, what?” River asked. He looked at me, confused. He’d never been one to follow trends or worry about his appearance. What you saw was what you got with River.

“Shaving our junk,” I answered. “Oh, and giving Wolf a haircut.”

“Oh, okay. That sounds fun,” he said, dryly, and I laughed, knowing it wouldn’t interest him in the slightest.

“Trust me, you don’t want to be the only one with hairy balls, Riv.” I looked at the different options on the bench, glad the splinter that had festered between us for so long was finally gone. “Which one should I use around my junk, Cary?”

“The bigger hand-held electric trimmer is good for trimming your pubes. You can set it to a higher length, so it’s neat but not bare. Just let me use it on Wolf’s head first. The slim one with the flat head is better for your balls. It won’t pull the skin or accidentally cut you. It works off a fast vibration more than a sharp edge. You’ll want to rub a little oil on them first, though.”

He chucked me a tiny bottle, before he turned back to Wolf, who was sitting patiently waiting for him. A giant on a toadstool. His eyes were wide amongst all the hair. For such a big guy, it floored me how vulnerable Wolf could seem when interacting with us.

“What do you want done with your hair?” Cary asked him softly.

“I’ve never really thought about it,” Wolf said, quietly. He looked at me and I smiled gently in encouragement. It broke my heart he’d been so neglected. That was going to change. As a pack, we’d make sure of it. “I like Ryder’s, but I don’t think I want it that short all the way up the sides. I’m used to it long.”

“Okay,” Cary said, as he lifted some of Wolf’s hair and focused on it. “What if we do a small undercut to neaten it up, then just trim the length? I should be able to handle that. It feels really dry, though. I’m not sure what to do about that. Any ideas, Ryder? You have long hair.”

Cary kept his dark hair buzzed short, and he looked genuinely perplexed. I dropped the razors I was holding and moved over to feel Wolf’s hair. “I’m not an expert. As I said, I’ve been in the military or on the run. Mine’s probably dry as shit too. Some basic conditioner is probably a good start.”

“Any ideas, Nick? You’ve lived in society more than any of us have.”

“You make me sound worldly,” he laughed. “I grew up on the farm and I haven’t traveled far. Conditioner sounds good. I’ve always had shorter hair. Maybe we could ask Ava?”

“Yeah. Small undercut, trim the ends, conditioner, then we’ll ask Ava later,” Cary agreed.

Wolf closed his eyes as Cary started piling sections of hair up on his head and securing them with some hair ties. The moment felt strangely intimate, much more than me standing here with my dick out. I picked the bottle of oil up again and started putting some on my balls as River chuckled.

“Shut up, Riv. I’m nervous about this.” I chucked the bottle at him. “You’re next.”

“I’m going to watch you do it first,” River said, as he caught it.

“Pull your dick up. You don’t want that monster in the way,” Cary said, keeping one eye on me as I nervously switched on the razor and held it near my balls. My hand froze a few centimeters away.

“You can take out a room full of alphas, but you can’t shave your balls?” River teased.

“This is way harder,” I grumbled, and Nick laughed. He’d finished drying himself off and had moved over to lean against River and watch the show. I loved how comfortable they were becoming in each other’s space.