Were they all naked in bed with me?I liked that they were comfortable enough with each other to lie around naked while I was sleeping. I’d worried that being bared to them and seeing them all naked might have been awkward, but it felt natural. In life, I’d been happy to stand back and watch the world go by, but with these men, I wanted to be seen. I remembered watching Cary standing proudly naked earlier, while he’d watched me with River and Ryder. I wanted more of that.

Where was he now?I sat up as River moved off me. Cary wasn’t behind Nick.

“Cary?” I asked, as I blinked my eyes, still coming awake.

“Over here,” he called out, his voice husky.

“Are you okay?” I asked him. He was sitting in the chair, apart from us all, with a pair of light gray sweatpants on.

“Of course,” he said, but there was a weird vibe coming from him. I shifted towards him but became distracted by the mounds of pillows and blankets between us, circling the bed. Beyond them, someone had covered every surface with candles and vases of flowers. They also strung fairy lights around the room, giving it a warm glow. “What…?” I mumbled.

“You can thank Wolf for the decorating,” Ryder said. He moved to snag a pillow from the wall of them alongside him, but hesitated when Wolf growled at him. “He put a lot of work into it this morning. Stripped half the Palace bare of bedding to build it.”

I looked at the wall of bedding surrounding us and noticed he had woven clothing into it. I leaned towards the closest pillows to take a deep breath, and each of the guys scents hit me. It wasn’t coming from just them. Wolf had saturated the bedding with their scents. I looked at him over my shoulder with a raised eyebrow and he looked embarrassed.

“It’s a nest for your heat,” Nick explained quietly. “I think he sensed it was coming. He’s uniquely in tune with his alpha.”

“Do you like it?” Wolf asked. That note of vulnerability that tore at me crept back into his voice.

“I love it, Wolf. Thank you.” I truly did. It was cozy, warm and smelled like heaven. It made me feel safe. I leaned down and swept the shaggy hair off his face so I could look into his eyes. Before I gently pressed my lips to his. He groaned against my mouth as he let me roam my hands over him again. I gasped as he tore my hands off him suddenly, before he rolled me onto my back and trapped them above my head. The heat in my veins built quickly, and an ache in my core tore at me. Wolf rolled away again just as quickly, with a growl, as I whimpered.

“Nick,” Wolf begged.

Nick sat up and climbed over Wolf, his eyes focused on me. “Shit, sorry,” he mumbled, as he accidentally poked Wolf in the hip with his hard dick.

River burst out laughing, surprising me. He’d been so intense around me since he’d shown up. Finally, being mated seemed to have relaxed him. I could see the River of old peeking through along with his smile. He shot me a wink.

“There’s five of us. Shit’s gonna get poked,” Wolf said with a shrug as he moved further out of the way, but Nick blushed anyway. I noticed nobody insisted on tying him up again. The contact with me seemed to have taken the edge off his wildness. It was still there, just lurking at the edges of his eyes.

Nick settled in alongside me. I opened my mouth to talk to him, but he leaned in and kissed me, as he picked right up where Wolf left off.

“Don’t ask me again if this is okay,” he whispered against my lips, as if he could read my thoughts. He shifted to nuzzle my neck, then kissed just below my ear, making embers spark to life. “Do you trust me?”

I nodded instantly. Whatever he was planning needed to happen quickly, though. My heat was building again, fast. “Good, because we need to get Cary out of his head. Okay?”

“Okay,” I whispered, not entirely sure, but sensing what he meant. Nick was so generous and kind. This would be our first time together, but he was worried about his pack mate and willing to include him if it would help him. He was the perfect beta for us. He was already our center.

I dragged his face back up for another scorching kiss. I could kiss Nick all day. He took his time with it, like it was his sole purpose in life to kiss me. He turned it into an art form and had me drowning without touching any other part of my body. But my heat was building towards pain again. He pulled back as I whimpered.

“We’ve got you,” he said, as he shifted back and drew me up to a sitting position. “Crawl to the edge of the nest, then stay there on all fours.”

I was instantly an inferno as my slick wet my thighs. I angled forward and dropped to my knees, then crawled slowly to the end of the bed. A symphony of growls and groans flared behind me, but I kept my focus on Cary. I felt Nick settle in behind me. He put his hands on my waist to steady me as I held my hand out to Cary. Cary ground his jaw, but stood up slowly. I wasn’t complaining about the sweat pants anymore. They hugged him tight around his thighs and my eyes were instantly drawn to the bulge highlighted beautifully below a happy trail of dark hair that disappeared into the waistband. They were gift wrapping. My body burned as he stalked towards me.

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted you to look at me this way? You’re so fucking beautiful, Ava,” Cary said as he reached the end of the bed. He reached out and stroked my hair back from my face. I didn’t want to even think about what a mess it probably was.

“About as long as I’ve wanted to look at you,” I said, more brazen than I thought possible, as I reached forward and yanked his pants down over his hips. His cock sprung free and bobbed in front of me. It was dripping from the tip like a melting ice cream cone. I hadn’t gotten a good look at River or Ryder earlier. Too consumed by the heat. While it was building again now, it wasn’t choking me the way it had been earlier. I’d only ever seen pictures of men’s cocks in educational books before. The Palace hadn’t allowed omegas to have internet access, unless supervised, so I hadn’t even had porn.

Movement alongside me had my gaze flicking away to meet Ryder’s. He’d laid down at our end, but at the far edge of the nest, out of reach. I sensed he wanted to help Nick and I draw Cary back in, but in a casual, non-threatening way. I guessed Cary’s problem wasn’t with me, but that he was worried about his relationship with the alphas. Ryder was a good option to ease him into it, if that was the case. He’d always had a lot of empathy and compassion. He probably wanted to help me through this too, knowing I had no experience. Ryder just nodded at the question in my eyes, and I turned back to Cary.

“Touch him, Ava. He wants you to,” Ryder said. I reached up and stroked the length of Cary with a finger. He felt silky smooth, yet so rigid. “You can be rougher than that, Ava. You won’t hurt him. Circle him with your hand, then lick the tip.”

Cary swallowed hard as I did what Ryder instructed. “He tastes like ice cream,” I moaned. I could feel Wolf’s growl as it vibrated through the bed.

“Suck just the tip and lick it with your tongue,” Ryder said next, as I felt one of Nick’s fingers slip through my own wet heat. Ryder’s instructions were getting me as hot as the feel of Cary and Nick. Nick’s tongue licked through my pussy, mimicking what I was doing to Cary’s cock, and it had me moaning. Heat was spreading through my limbs again, and a low fluttery feeling was already building inside me.

“Now lick it all the way down, get his dick nice and wet before you suck it again.” When I complied, Ryder hit me with a “Good girl,” and I almost came on the spot.

Cary was rigid, every muscle in his body flexed hard, and he almost looked in pain. But his moan told me it was a good kind. Nick groaned behind me as my pussy flooded with slick.