Page 120 of Knot Your Possession

“Once it’s filled with families, it’s going to feel a lot different,” Ava said quietly. “I don’t think the omegas from the Palace will have a problem coming back then.”

“I’ll back you in any way you need to see that happen,” Sadie added, with a quiet note of respect in her voice. “A safe place for omegas to go when they want to venture out into the world is something I’ve been thinking about as well. Especially for the ones that have been hiding for a long time. I’ll talk to them about it, but I think they’ll be happy with that.”

“I think safe spaces for omegas is something we will all support, and as alphas, we need to hold other alphas accountable. It’s the only way we’ll get genuine change, because omegas have never been the problem,” Sam said, he looked incredibly grave suddenly. “But we need to be realistic in the short term. Ryder is right. We need to be careful. There’s too many people hurting out there and we can’t help everyone at once. We won’t survive ourselves if we try. It’s going to have to be baby steps.”

The twins had been out in the world more than any of us, so we listened when they said it was bad out there. Ryder seemed to be an easygoing guy, but his eyes looked haunted at times. I knew Sam, Dio and Pala had seen stuff when the Crash happened that had stayed with them too.

“Ryder and Sam are right,” River said, as he looked at his twin. “Things are likely to be unstable for a while. With Maven gone, there’s going to be a power vacuum when the world opens back up. We need to watch for who’s going to step into it. Some alphas may need convincing about the new status quo. The Network will need to step up, and they’ll need us to back them up.”

“The Network is mostly made up of older retired betas,” Sadie said. “They’ll help, but while their minds are willing, their bodies aren’t. You read Constance’s letter, Sam. It was her hope for you, Sam, knowing that you were a prime alpha, that you’d help fill that role and work alongside me.”

“It would be an honor,” Sam said simply, and I couldn’t have been more proud of him.

“I’m with you,” Wolf growled. He’d been quiet until now, happily listening and watching. “If prime alphas are needed, I’ll back you up, Sam. I want a better world for Angel.”

“Thank you, Wolf,” Sam said. “If we need to become enforcers to keep omegas safe and alphas in line, so be it. We have three prime alphas at this farm right now who would step up and fight that battle if needed. For our sons and daughters, those that are here and the ones who aren’t born yet.”

I knew Damon well enough to know Sam spoke the truth. He would be right back in the mix of things if the world needed the power of our prime alphas again. No matter what, with this family we’d found surrounding us, and walking alongside us, we were going to be okay. We’d make sure our new world was okay, too. We had the power to do it.

“Four prime alphas,” Ghost said quietly, and everyone jumped to their feet. He came in through the kitchen door, munching on a carrot like a cat with a stolen prize. He didn’t have his skeleton mask or hood on today, though.

“What the hell? How did you get in here unnoticed?” Sam growled. He took a step forward until I put a hand on his arm.

“I noticed,” Wolf said quietly. “I sensed his arrival a few minutes ago, but he had no ill intent.”

“He’s an ally,” I said to Sam. “Calm down.”

“Allies still need to knock on the front door,” Sam growled.

Ghost shrugged and winked at Sam. “Maybe you guys should stop leaving the door open.”

I burst out laughing. I liked the cocky prime alpha. As far as I was concerned, by adding himself to the list, he’d marked his place in this village. Like a handprint in wet cement.

“What can we do for you, Ghost?” Dio asked, as he walked over and shook Ghost’s hand. Smoothing things over with his gorgeous smile, as he always did.

“I’m looking for Sadie,” he answered with a friendly, answering smile.

We turned as one and looked at the comms device on the table.

“Sorry, Sadie’s not here right now. Please leave a message after the tone,” came the sassy reply from the device.

I couldn’t help the grin that split my face. This was going to be fun.

“Areyouready?”Lexiesaid, as she stood with her hands over my eyes.

“Yes, let me see already,” I groaned, as I reached around to poke Lexie, but she shifted out of my way.

I’d started vomiting about a month ago, and while I wasn’t as bad as those first few days, I’d been nauseous on and off ever since. Standing with my eyes closed was making me a little woozy.

Ava, Lexie, Ryder, and Pala had accompanied my pack into town to check out the new medical exam room Damon had pulled together. He’d taken over the old clinic in town. Sirena had met us here, too. She’d moved to the Palace with Isabella and I missed them both. So I was glad she was here.

Damon had lured a doctor to come live here with the offer of shelter, food, and protection for his family. It was going to double as a birthing suite for me and any other mums in the area. It would save us hiking up the mountain to get to the doctor living up there. He’d already made a few special trips down for me, but it wasn’t a long-term solution.

“Okay, here goes,” Lexie said, excitement lacing her voice. I wasn’t sure what she was so excited about. I’d seen the room when we’d dropped off the ultrasound machine Damon had scavenged. It had been painted all white, with white tiles on the floor too. There’d been some other basic equipment in the room and a mattress on an old stainless steel gurney. The room had given me chills, and not in a good way.

When she pulled her hands away, I blinked rapidly before my mouth fell open.

“What the hell?” Was the first thing that slipped out of my mouth. It sounded ungracious, even to my ears, but I was genuinely shocked.