“What happened? Why are you anxious?” Ryder asked, as River scanned the path behind us.
I pulled them both into me, as I wrapped my arms around their necks and surrounded myself with their salted caramel and dark chocolate scents. “You guys know I love you both, right? I mean, I’ve always loved you, but I don’t think I’ve ever said it and it should be said. I’ll say it every day if you need to hear it.”
“What brought this on?” River asked, shooting a glance at Wolf.
“I told her nobody had ever said they loved me before today,” Wolf explained.
“Little bird, we know you love us. You don’t need to say the words if it makes you uncomfortable,” Ryder said as he stroked my hair.
“I’m not uncomfortable. I watch and I feel, I just don’t always say what needs to be said,” I mumbled into their necks, “but I’m working on it.”
“We’ve loved you since before we even knew what the words meant, little bird,” River whispered into my ear. “I don’t remember a time we didn’t love you.”
“Our hearts spoke in ways other than words,” Ryder added, “but we always heard each other.”
I breathed deep and blinked rapidly, not wanting to cry right now. My heart felt so full.Who knew my childhood sweethearts were hiding such romantic souls?
I pulled back with a watery smile and a gentle kiss for each of them, then looked for Nick.
I spied him standing awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs, so I slipped away from the twins and strode over to him. I passed Cary on the couch, and he winked at me. It brought back the memory of our conversation in the library when he’d made me repeat the words. So I mouthed “I love you,” at him now and he grinned as he made a love heart with his fingers.
Nick opened his arms to me as I got closer and nuzzled into my hair. It made me blush thinking of the things I had done to him with it and the way he’d responded. “It’s okay, Ava,” he whispered. “I don’t mind waiting until-”
I kissed him gently, cutting off his words. “Love you, Nick,” I said against his lips. “You’re the sweetest, kindest, bravest guy I’ve ever met. I’ve loved you since the moment you tried to take on an army of alphas with a broom. Don’t think for a moment I love you any less than our other mates.”
He groaned, but his grin could rival the sun. “You know I ran into that fight for you, right? I mean, my other friends too. But I’ve loved you since the first moment you smiled at me.” My heart bloomed. Everything about Nick was so easy. He made everything seem playful and fun, but it didn’t make it any less meaningful. He was my person.
“The broom move sounds smooth, Nick,” Ryder teased. “I need you to teach it to me at our next training session.”
I laughed as I stepped back from Nick, squeezing his hand lightly as I let him go. Everyone was settling in the living area, so I moved back across the room to Wolf. He’d sat down next to Cary and thrown his arm over the back of the couch behind him. I noticed him discreetly brush a few fingers across Cary’s neck, and Cary instinctively leaned into it. Like a cat wanting a head rub. Wolf had that effect.
I plopped myself on Wolf’s lap and his purr helped settle my emotions as I snuggled into him. Cary reached down and grabbed my legs. He pulled them into his lap, yanked off my boots and kneaded his thumbs into the arches of my feet. I was instantly a limp puddle of bliss.
“Where did you get this sweater from, Wolf?” I’d noticed it earlier. It was a cable-knit sweater in a light, creamy brown color that fit him beautifully. It was incredibly soft under my cheek. I couldn’t help running my hands over it.
“Nick’s great grandmother knitted it for me. She left it on the porch for me with a note while we were busy with Cary’s heat. Nobody’s ever made anything just for me before. I love it.”
His words were heartfelt. I got the impression we were going to have a hard time getting him to wear anything else. I blushed as I realized what she may have overheard if she’d made it onto the porch, though. Hopefully, it was after we’d migrated upstairs.
“Apparently, GG and her friends kept watch outside during the day yesterday and made sure nobody came near us,” River added with a grin. He’d settled on the other couch with Ryder, while Nick took the occasional chair between us. “She’s pretty feisty with a broom, too. I see where Nick gets it from.”
Nick just shook his head and took the ribbing good-naturedly. “She wants to spend time with you, Ava. She’s going to treat you all as her grandkids now, fair warning.”
My grin felt like it split my face as I nodded. “I’m good with that.” GG was a little terrifying in how direct she could be, and how deep she saw when she looked at you. Yet she was also fiercely protective of this community and the people she loved. Something else Nick got from her. I counted myself lucky to be considered family.
“What did you want to talk about, River?” Cary asked, changing the subject.
River sobered up and sat forward in his seat as he clasped his hands together over his knees. He shot a look at his twin, on the other side of Nick, who nodded at him.
“Damon wants to meet in a few minutes and talk about where we go from here. We figured there’s something you should know first, Ava.”
“Oh?” My throat tightened. He seemed anxious, which made me nervous because River was usually so calm.
He cleared his throat and unclasped his hands to rub them on his jeans, as if they were suddenly sweaty.
“You’re making her nervous, Riv,” Ryder chided. “Just say it, man.”
“We own your uncle’s farm,” he blurted out.