Page 101 of Knot Your Possession

“They’reinside.Whyaren’tthe bars coming down?” Richard yelled frantically. Arthur dashed for a bookcase near him and tried flicking a hidden switch on the side, but nothing happened. William, a typical politician, stood and did nothing as his wine glass crashed to the floor.

A deafening crash behind me had my smile widening as I heard the bedroom door being ripped from its frame. More blood slid down Phillip’s neck as his eyes blazed. Wolf’s dark jungle scent, spiked with ginger, washed over me as he stormed into my space and wrapped an arm around me possessively. In the same motion, he picked Angel up and cradling her between us. She didn’t seem bothered by the powerful dominance rolling off us both, as his touch sent another burst of power sliding through me.

“Mine,”he growled in the bond. I got the feeling he didn’t only mean me. He was an impenetrable wall at my back, supporting us both. He made no move to take the knife from me. Or convince me to back off. He was content to let me choose my path, as long as he could stand with me.

“I knew you’d come,” Angel whispered to him and I felt a swell of satisfaction through him. Until his gaze settled on the alpha at my feet and a snarl ripped from him, aimed directly at Phillip.

“Having fun, little bird?” Ryder growled at my side as he stepped alongside us. He cocked his head and looked at the prone alpha. “I have to say, I was expecting someone a little more intimidating to be the head of Maven.”

Phillip’s eyes blazed, but he was powerless beneath me. Even if he wasn’t, he was no match for Ryder.

The rest of my pack surrounded me as Cary grabbed my face and turned it to him. He kissed me hard and fast, uncaring that I had a knife to a man’s throat. As soon as he pulled back, he shifted his focus to Angel. “Come here, chipmunk.”

“Okay, squirrel,” she replied. Her words sounded confident, but her voice wavered. She was a little kid, trying to be brave, when she shouldn’t have to be. She should be wrapped up safely somewhere, playing with dolls and having tea parties. Not dealing with madmen.

I felt Cary pull her out from between us, and suddenly Nick was there, too. They squished her up in their arms and tucked her between them as they stepped back.

Wolf instantly wrapped his entire body around me and I sighed as I leaned back into him. I still had the knife firmly pressed to Phillip’s neck, and my borrowed dominance holding him in place.

“What’s the plan, little bird?” River asked as he stepped into my other side

“No plan, just teaching him how to submit,” I replied. I was amazed at how calm I sounded. Wolf’s wild energy seemed to center me, rather than batter me.

I felt the room fill up around us as our friends and family barged in behind my mates. So many emotions beat at me, but the biggest ones were love and relief. After spending a decade feeling so alone, I was grateful for each of them. I’d never imagined having so many people who cared for me and would put their life on the line for mine. It was a stark contrast to the four alphas in front of me. They had all the money in the world, but nobody was coming to save them. Not even the people they’d paid.

“Holy shit. You’re a badass, Ava,” I heard Maia whisper shout, and Lexie laughed, relief flooding through the sound. I couldn’t help but shoot a grin over my shoulder at them. Maia gave me a big thumbs up.

“Have you got him?” I asked River and Ryder. They both nodded and Wolf stepped me back. I dropped my hand as I released my hold on Phillip, but held onto the knife. He surged forward instantly, his wrath focused entirely on me, but the twins grabbed him and pushed him down onto his knees again.

Letting the power go was harder than I thought it would be. It was a little addictive after feeling powerless for so long. My adrenaline crashed, and I was grateful for Wolf supporting me, as my legs suddenly turned to jelly.

“My power is yours whenever you want it,” Wolf murmured in my ear, as he took more of my weight and let me lean completely against him. “It belongs to all of us now.”

“It’s not yours. It’s mine,” Phillip raged, spittle flying from his mouth as he struggled to rise against River and Ryder’s hold.

“Just because you try to take something, doesn’t make it yours,” River growled, as he kicked at Phillip, landing a heavy blow to his legs that had him back on his knees.

“How’s Nicole?” I asked, as I twisted, but I couldn’t see her through the people crowding the room.

“Alive, but passed out,” Pala called out. “She’s lost blood, but she’ll survive. It missed everything vital.”

Nick pulled a first aid kit from his backpack before he tossed it to Pala. But I couldn’t pay attention to what they were doing. Damon distracted me as he moved forward into my line of sight. He had a man slumped over his shoulder that he dropped carelessly at Maven’s feet.

“Here’s your henchman,” Damon growled. “He deserves to share your fate, seeing as he was so loyal to you.”

“Who’s that?” I whispered to Maia, who had snuck up alongside me. Leif shadowed her closely.

“Damon’s dad,” she whispered back as she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I felt Wolf flick a sharp spike of energy at him, waking Damon’s dad up and showing extreme finesse in the control of his power.

“You little punk,” the enraged man snarled as he blinked his eyes open and spotted Damon. He struggled to get to his feet. None of his friends helped him. “I’m going to-”

“You’re going to what?” Damon snarled right back, getting in his face. “Beat me? Bark at me? I outgrew you a long time ago. You have no power over me anymore. You never really did. I just didn’t realize it. We’re done, old man. I have a new family now.” It was a powerful moment for Damon, as he threw off the coercive control his father had held over him his entire life.

Hunter strolled up to Damon and gripped his shoulders, supporting him and anchoring him. “Hi Dad,” he said to Arthur with fake politeness. “I’d say it’s nice to see you, but it’s really not. Thanks for not killing my brother, though. I’m enjoying getting to know Wolfgang finally. My half brother, Sam, too.”

Damon turned his growl to Arthur, who blanched.

“You always gloated about having three highly dominant alpha sons. How’s that working out for you now?” Richard laughed, before Damon turned his glare on him.