Christ on a cracker.It was too early for moody testosterone. Or maybe it wasn’t. I had no idea what time it was, but if I could see people in my room, that meant daylight. I rubbed my face before I sat up and looked at the window. Someone had pulled the curtains closed haphazardly and a large slice of sky was visible. It was bright out, which meant it wasn’t even early morning. I’d gotten used to waking up early during the last few days at the farm. I missed the sounds of animals demanding to be fed and people cheerfully calling hello to each other.

“Why is everyone in my room?” I asked suddenly. I didn’t mean to sound cranky, but I wasn’t used to having so many people watch me as I woke up, and I was suddenly a little flustered. Plus, I felt as if I’d barely slept.

Looking around, I quickly realized that we weren’t even in my room. Nothing here was familiar. The room was dark and masculine, with an opulent gothic vibe. The curtains were heavy black velvet, while the dark comforter and sheets felt like silk. Gold embellished and outlined the black wood paneling on the walls and the dark timber bed frame. Plus, there were gold candelabras and candlesticks everywhere.

I knew I was at the Palace, but most of the common areas and the omegas’ rooms were done in boring cream and gold. Then it suddenly clicked. This was the VIP suite. I’d snuck into the suite once before, and I’d peeked into the bedrooms out of curiosity.

River raised one eyebrow that seemed to say,why do you think?He just watched me for a beat, holding my attention, before he grudgingly answered.

“Cary insisted on staying in here with you. Your sudden headache and dizziness had us worried. You barely stirred when he carried you up here. The alpha woke up from the sedation a few hours ago, came straight in here and went back to sleep in the chair. He didn’t seem inclined to move. Ryder and I have been taking turns to keep watch.”

The alpha flicked one eye open and eyed River before closing it again.Okay, not asleep.

“Uh, maybe we should move this into the living room,” I suggested. The bedroom was spacious, bigger than any bedroom I’d slept in before, but it still felt like too much with Cary and the two alphas in it. The only time I’d ever had a male in my bedroom before was the few times River and Ryder had snuck in when we were kids. We’d read comic books by torchlight when we were supposed to be asleep. This felt a lot different. I needed some air to get my composure back.

I let go of Cary’s hand and slipped off the bed before heading for the door. River watched me intently as I approached him and his gaze felt loaded with as many questions as I had. At the last moment, he shifted slightly to block the door. I stopped right before him, closer than was socially acceptable. I had to tilt my head slightly to look him in the eye. His eyes roved over my face, as if he was mapping the changes since he’d seen me last. His bright blue eyes darkened as they settled on my mouth and he subtly leaned toward me.

I held my breath, waiting to see what he would do next. River had never been one to back down when he wanted something. The anticipation sent waves of heat racing through me and I felt my chest flush. The pull I’d always felt to River had intensified, rather than lessened with time. Despite our broken bond.

He’d been a boy the last time I saw him. He was all man now. The softness of youth was gone, replaced with blond scruff and lean planes. I could see his collarbone peeking out where his long-sleeved t-shirt had pulled to the side and revealed a slice of lightly tanned skin at his neck. My breathing sped up as I imagined licking him from his collarbone to the curve of his jaw, then kissing across to that delectable mouth. It was slightly parted, in invitation maybe?

River leaned even closer to me, while gripping the doorframe, almost as if he was falling towards me. He was so close I could feel the heat of his body. The pull I had always felt toward him had been innocent as kids. We’d been best friends. It felt entirely different now, as I felt a damp heat flood between my thighs at his proximity.

River stilled as a dark presence appeared at my back and the scent of a jungle surrounded me, a potent spike of ginger running through it. A low growl left goosebumps in its wake as it skated across my skin. River raised an eyebrow and looked over my shoulder.

“I’d suggest you let her past,” Cary said from behind us both, with a studied, casual air that had a hint of steel running through it.

I couldn’t see what passed between the two alphas, but River nodded slightly, surprising me, and stepped back. I was almost disappointed. Standing between them, with both alphas so close, had the building heat in my body surging almost painfully. Yet I also knew blocking me was a warning from River, even if his attentions had gone slightly astray. He’d always been a good guy, but determined to get his way once he’d fixated on something, and I could still sense that in him now.

He would never hurt me. But he wanted to talk and he wouldn’t wait forever. If he had to get in my face to make me acknowledge him, he would.

As soon as I moved away from their combined heat and headed out to the living room, I shivered. I’d forgotten how draughty and cold the Palace could be, after being shacked up in a cozy wooden cabin at the farm. I crossed my arms over my chest and rubbed my hands up and down my arms. A tousled head peeked up over an ornate, gilt framed couch in front of me, startling me.

Nick rubbed at his face tiredly before stilling when he noticed me. He looked adorably rumpled, with a clump of hair sticking up at the back. I had the urge to run my hands through it to smooth it back into place. He couldn’t have slept well. That couch looked beautiful, but incredibly uncomfortable.

Nick’s eyes flicked down to my hands, still rubbing my arms, before he suddenly jumped up and held something out to me.

“Here’s your hoodie.” He looked embarrassed.Had he been sleeping with it?“I kept it in case you slept through the scheduled call with Maia and Lexie. The phone’s in the pocket. You were pretty out of it last night. They should call soon.” He was rambling, and his cheeks flushed red. It was cute as heck.

I moved over and thanked him as I took it from him. Ryder hopped up from the chair he’d flung himself into and opened the curtains to give us more light while I put the hoodie on. A brusque, pained noise had me spinning around. The alpha was standing in the middle of the room, staring out past the timber and glass French doors that had appeared from behind the curtain. They led out to a stone balcony and a view of the tops of trees and the sky outside. It was the VIP suite, after all. We were on the upper floor of the Palace, at the front of the building.

He drifted over to the window as if he was in a trance. I watched as he raised his shaking hand and placed it against the glass, almost reverently. Ryder moved closer on silent feet and opened the door for him, letting in a cool breeze. He gave Ryder the barest nod before he moved outside, almost hesitantly. I followed him, feeling pulled towards him as I sensed a hint of his wonder and agony. The moment seemed so personal, yet I couldn’t look away.

My gaze wasn’t on the view, even though it was gorgeous. The Palace was closer to the mountains than the farm, and they looked spectacular as they speared up from the surrounding forest. Yet this alpha was all I could see. He had appeared larger than life last night, but now he just looked broken. Almost fragile, despite his size. It was hard to see his features past the wild hair and the shaggy beard. In the sunlight, I could see how knotted and dirty it was, yet the light also brought out hints of auburn within the dark brown tones. It had looked much darker last night.

I wanted so desperately to go to him, but I had no idea what he had been through and what he could bear right now. I felt Cary come up behind me and wrap a throw blanket around me before he turned to the alpha and wrapped one around him, too. He was still barefoot and in his torn hospital scrubs, and the air was chilly. The alpha barely registered it, but the hand on his chest shifted to hold the blanket to him. He slowly closed his eyes and lifted his head up to the weak sun that was shining down, before he filled his lungs with a deep breath. My eyes traveled down from his face to where he was clutching the blanket, and I didn’t miss the fine shake in his hands.

“How long were you in that cage?” Ryder asked him gently. Ryder had always been extremely empathetic to people and animals. This alpha felt like a bit of both. The softness in Ryder’s voice now, compared to the harsh glares he had been sending me, made me want to cry. It took a lot to make Ryder mad, but hurting someone he cared about would do it. He didn’t forgive easily.

The alpha didn’t respond or even acknowledge the question. When he opened his eyes again, the distant mountains still held his gaze.

Ryder gave him a few moments before he tried again, as he asked gently, “What’s your name?”

The alpha tilted his head, as if he was thinking. I didn’t expect him to answer. His voice, when it came, was deep, yet rough and scratchy, as if he hadn’t used it in a long time. “Wolf.”

We all bounced our gazes to each other, trying to make sense of that one word. The first he had spoken.Had he seen a wolf in the distance, and was trying out the word, or was that his name?

My gaze snagged on Nick, who looked curious rather than puzzled. His gaze fixed on the giant alpha. I could almost see his brain mulling something over. In the short time I’d known Nick, it had become clear that he was incredibly smart and a quick thinker.