Movement at the corner of my eye made me realize he wasn’t our only audience, though. A row of adult goats had their heads over the edge of the pen and were intently watching us kissing.
“Oh,” I gasped, startled.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get them therapy,” River said.
Nick shook his head, but I couldn’t help smiling. I’d missed the playful side of River and his dry sense of humor. Many people didn’t get him, but I did.
I stood up carefully, trying not to step on any balls of cuteness, and pulled Wolf up alongside me.
“Let’s get some breakfast,” I said, but food wasn’t what was really on my mind. I just wanted to be out of the barn for what happened next. We headed outside, making sure we propped the barn door open behind us. I angled us onto a less used path back to the cabin, hoping to avoid all the people on the main path at this time of day.
As we rounded a bend in the path, it surprised me to see GG striding purposefully towards us. She didn’t seem surprised to see us, though. She was wearing a gorgeous purple velvet dress that was embroidered around the hems. It looked like something you’d wear for an important occasion, but she was just wandering around the farm in it, living her best life. She’d also wrapped her long white braid around her head in a crown and stuck some wildflowers in it. I was a little envious. She rocked the look.
“There you are, sweet girl,” she said as she grabbed me and drew me into a hug. I went willingly. GG was irrepressible and slightly terrifying, but she gave incredible hugs. “Everyone’s been worried about you, but I told you the day we met, you had a strong heart and would act when needed. I saw it in you. I bet that bark of yours took them by surprise. I wish I’d seen it. You’re going to be a good mate for my grandson.”
“I didn’t do much,” I answered quietly. “It was mostly the guys.”
“Oh, you did more than you know. Things are going to change now. Omegas needed reminding they’re tigers, not lambs. Your story will be told for generations.” I was at a loss for words, but she didn’t need a reply.
“Now,” she said, as she released me and faced Nick, “introduce me to the newest members of my family. I’ve been chasing you and your pack all over the farm.”
She sounded stern, but there was a definite twinkle in her eye. GG didn’t chase anyone. She just appeared when people needed her, whether or not they knew it, like some kind of fairy godmother.
“Uh, GG, this is River, Ryder, and Wolf. You’ve met Cary already,” Nick said as he pointed everyone out. “Guys, this is my great grandmother, or GG to everyone on the farm.”
She looked at the twins and held her arms open wide. “You’ve traveled a long, dark road, you two, but you persevered. Glad you finally made it. Welcome to the family.” They flicked confused glances at Nick, who just grinned and nodded at them. Honestly, I felt like they’d gotten off easy. They both leaned down to hug her. River was a little formal, patting her gently as if she might break, but Ryder gave her a big squeeze and she laughed in delight.
She turned to Wolf next. She had to tilt her head way back to look up at him. He immediately kneeled down in front of her so she could look at him easier. “Hello, earth mother,” he said.
“Oh, you’re a smooth one for a beast of a prime alpha. Those poor little omegas had no chance. No wonder you needed two,” she said with a wicked grin. Wolf blushed, but she carried on mercilessly. “You’re not alone anymore, wild one. Take care of them, because the worst is over, but the world still needs you all.”
“I will,” he said, as if he knew exactly what she was talking about. She nodded decisively, as if it was done, and hugged him gently, as if he was precious. Which he was.
She turned to Cary next and gave him a quick, fierce hug, before she pulled back and grabbed his face. She pulled it right down to her, so he had no option but to look her in the eye.
“You stopped watching and started acting for the people you care about, but you have to do it for you, too. Fate doesn’t like it when you try to cheat her. Holding back will not stop nature, child.” Cary’s eyes widened, and he blinked rapidly as he stared back at her. She leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead, as if he was one of her grandbabies and he had a boo boo. He looked a little shell-shocked. I got it. It was confronting how she could see right to the heart of you with a glance. But she did it with an immense love for her family and her community.
“Alright, GG, stop scaring Cary,” Nick said as he drew her back and wrapped her up in his own hug. “We’ve got him, I promise.”
She smiled while she patted him on the cheek. There was so much love for Nick in the simple gesture. “I know you do. You waited so patiently for them. You did good, my boy.”
She kissed him on the other cheek, still smiling at him with joy lighting up her wizened face. It was clear he held a special place in her heart.
“Now, I have sitting to do and gossip to catch up on. So you lot go have some fun,” she waved over her shoulder at us as she turned tail and left, back the way she’d come. Her work done.
We stood and looked at each other for a moment, taking each other in and processing what had just happened. I always needed it after an encounter with GG. “I love your great grandma,” Ryder finally said, and Nick chuckled.
“Yeah, she’s easy to love.”
We were quiet after that as we headed back to the cabin. Especially Cary. He seemed focused within, barely watching where he was walking.
The noises of the farm seemed to fade away until there was only us. I could feel a building intensity within our bond, a need for connection, and a heat that was primed to explode.
Only it wasn’t mine.
“We’regoingtohavea quick shower while you guys get Ava some food,” River said, as he and Ryder rushed upstairs to the bathroom. They were both wearing only loose fitting shorts and joggers, and the sweat sliding down their bodies had Ava transfixed. She watched them as they left, hypnotized by the play of muscles along their backs as they moved. I resolutely looked away. I did not need to be lusting after my pack mates right now.