“You’re mated?” I asked. I noticed the confident way Pala approached Lexie now, and I tried to keep my need to touch her from spearing through my voice.
“Yes,” Pala said, lifting his head proudly. “By Lexie and Dio.”
“Congratulations,” I said quietly, but with genuine joy. Pala deserved this. He seemed far more settled than he had earlier and was no longer hanging back. It made my heart happy. I wouldn’t taint this moment for him with my own fears and insecurities.
“Thank you, brother.” Pala replied. I could almost see his calm center radiating out and Lexie relaxing under his touch as he smiled down at her.
“It’s been a long day. I’m going to take a shower and call it a night,” Lexie said. She looked up at Pala through lowered lashes, seeming almost shy, which was unusual for her. Or maybe she was just nervous. She’d bitten both Dio and Pala the same day she had met them, Pala within hours. There had to be a lot of intense feelings pummeling her.
What I wouldn’t give right now to have a bond with her, so I could know exactly how she was feeling, and soothe her if she needed it.
From what I had heard of her from her friends, it appeared she had always been a headstrong and instinctive woman, throwing herself into danger to help others without a thought for her own safety. Yet she had also appeared lonely and a little aloof around her friends when we first met her. As if she was guarding herself, or maybe just her heart.
Watching her open up to Pala and Dio so willingly made my throat tighten. She was fierce, almost wild, yet also incredibly vulnerable. She was a gorgeous, pink-haired contradiction.
The way she stood up to me, getting right up in my face, made my dick hard and my spirit soar. I wanted to argue with her and push her, bring all that passion to the surface, then fuck her so hard she screamed and drew blood.
Instead of doing any of that, I dropped my eyes and stepped around her. “I’ll, uh, head down to the hammock, and see you all in the morning,”
I breathed deeply as I tried to get myself under control. Her scent, saturated with both Pala’s and Dio’s, intensified as I passed, almost driving me insane.
Lexie’s blurted, “Wait,” had me freezing in place as I reached the stairs. I turned slowly, with dread, unsure if she was going to ask me to leave the area completely. My team was lodging in two guest cabins and I had a bedroom in one. I didn’t know if I could go back there, though, even if she asked. It was too far from her.
“You can sleep on the couch here, if you’d like. The hammock is soaking wet.”
“Yeah, uh, that would be great. Thank you.” I had to resist the urge to throw myself at her like an overexcited puppy.
“I know you’re struggling Sam, I also know you’re not a bad guy. I don’t want to be someone who makes your life more difficult. If I can help, just tell me how. Or if I do something that sets you off, find a better way to tell me.”
“You don’t make anything more difficult, I promise. And I’ll try,” I said, a little more gruffly than I intended.
She just nodded at me and quickly turned to Dave. “You too, Dave. You’re welcome to take the couch. It’s comfy.”
He smiled down at her, and while there was no claim between them yet, something already seemed more settled within him, too.
“Sure, I can take the couch,” he said, as he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
Dio opened the heavy barn door, and I followed them through, trying not to spill dominance all over the place. Watching everyone else kiss and touch her was stoking my need for her, and for them.
“Hey tickle bunny, let me get you cleaned up,” Dio said, taking her hand and gesturing toward an interior door, just off the small kitchenette, with his head.
“Sure, pumpkin,” she replied, laughing.
Dio, Pala and Lexie all headed through the internal door, which I assumed led to the bathroom, as I pulled the heavy barn door shut behind me. I went to lock it, before I realized there wasn’t one.
Why the hell did Lexie’s front door not have a lock?I looked over to Dave, feeling a scowl form on my face, but he held up his hand to ward me off.
“I’m fixing it. I didn’t realize before tonight.”
I nodded. If Dave was aware of it now, I knew he would fix it. I looked around at the huge open plan lounge, kitchen and dining space, as I walked further inside, before my eyes drifted up to a loft area.
“She unconsciously built herself a nest up there. Few people get to see it.”
Fuck. The idea of her up there, with Dio and Pala and the things they would get up to while I was lying downstairs, was flashing through my mind. I clearly hadn’t thought this through. There were no walls up there, we would hear everything.
“Maybe a wet hammock wouldn’t be so bad?” I wondered.
Dave laughed, as he looked at the dread I’m sure he could see all over my face. “Don’t sweat it. I guarantee they’re going to be in the shower for a while. It’s a huge ass outdoor bathroom with a bunch of showerheads and a hot tub.”