Page 76 of Knot Your Problem

I stepped towards the gate, my growl intensifying, when Sam came tearing back up the path in an electric cart. He was driving recklessly and looked halfway towards a frenzy.

He leaped out before he’d even come to a halt and the cart kept moving as people scrambled out of the way. Luckily, one of our team jumped in and hit the brakes before it plowed through the fence. Sam shoved a note into my face, but the words were all a jumbled mess.

“What the fuck is the safe house?” I yelled, swiveling around to the guards who were bravely standing their ground. They looked bewildered.

I heard a bellow as Leif came lumbering into view, closely followed by Hunter with Maia piggybacking. He dropped her onto the ground and she zeroed in on me straight away.

“Where is Lexie?” she demanded. I just growled at her in response and Hunter stepped between us swiftly.

“I don’t think he knows, pussycat.”

“Where the fuck is the safe house? And how the hell did she get out without being seen?” Sam growled at Leif, grabbing the note out of my hand and shoving it in his face.

Leif paled as he scanned the note, and Maia whirled on him.

“She wouldn’t,” he said as he looked at Hunter.

“You know she would,” Hunter replied.

“One of you had better start talking,” Maia warned, looking scared and furious at the same time. Hunter bundled her up in his arms, but she was stiff as a board as she glared at Leif.

“Can you direct us there in the helicopter?” Sam yelled at Leif.

“Hunter could. He’s better at air surveillance than I am.”

Sam whirled on Hunter. “Let’s go.”

Maia pulled out of Hunter’s hold and stepped into Sam. “Get her back, Sam. She’s important to me.”

Sam looked devastated as he looked at his sister’s worried face. “She’s important to me too, Mai,” he whispered. Maia’s face fell, and she wrapped Sam up in a hug. I joined in, needing the contact, and neither Hunter nor Leif objected.

“How far is the chopper?” Hunter asked over Maia’s shoulder. “Do we need to take the quad bike, or will it be easier to run?”

I counted him as a brother at that moment. He didn’t question the use of the fuel we had just gone to great lengths to get, and could be the last we would ever see. He was all in on our crazy plan to fly off into the night in search of Lexie.

Before Sam could answer, a guard sitting in the tree above the gate shouted, “Bike on the road.”

“Is it Dave?” Leif yelled back.

“It’s too dark to be sure, but there’s no noise and Dave’s is the only electric dirt bike around that I know of,” the cadet up the lookout tree called back.

“Looks like two people on the bike,” he called out a second later.

My heart started a wild rhythm in my chest, hope surging painfully. She’d swung from horny to anxious again a few minutes ago and I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t know if I was going to kiss her or strangle her.

The gate swung open and Dave appeared with a kid on his dirt bike. He squinted in the glare of all the torches we were recklessly flashing around.

As soon as he pulled to a stop just inside the gate, he dropped the kickstand. Dave put one hand up to cover his eyes and raised the other up, as if to ward us all off. The poor kid in front of him looked terrified, and I was worried he would jump off the bike and bolt. He must have shifted, because Dave dropped one arm back down and secured him in place.

“She’s right behind us, with Pala,” Dave blurted.

I heard the faint noise of a dirt bike engine in the distance and my heart started up its wild rhythm again. I dashed through the gate, peering down the road, but I’d lost my night vision with all the flashlights.

“Two on a bike,” the guard called out.

I spotted them as they got closer, a dark blur on the road, coming in fast. She must have zeroed in on the light and sped up. Or someone was chasing her.

“She’s coming in hot,” I yelled as I jumped clear of the gate.