Page 74 of Knot Your Problem

I just stood there, halfway between Dave and Pala, feeling conflicted and anxious. Sensations I hadn’t felt in a long time. I didn’t normally second guess myself or allow anxiety any space in my head or my heart. Yet here I was, frozen in place like a startled fawn.

Pala’s eyes narrowed and swept over me, before he took three giant strides across the clearing and swept me up in a hug that lifted me off my feet. He enveloped me in his warm, earthy sage scent and I breathed him in deeply as my body instantly relaxed.

“You never have to hold yourself back from me, mate,” he whispered in my ear. “I do not care who else you bring into your life or your bed. As long as there is room for me. If you need me, I’m here.”

I gripped him tightly. Hearing him call me his mate, in that quiet, steady voice, had the flutters turning into tiny birds, beating their wings within my heart. Stirring up my emotions yet steadying me at the same time. He felt like a calm river in my soul. With waters that would flow around and between every obstacle in our path, always finding his way to me.

“I’m going to need you to say that again, later, somewhere more private,” I whispered against his cheek and I felt his wide smile against the side of my face.

I still felt a level of distress rising, though, but it felt displaced. Something that was beating at me, rather than stemming from within me. I looked around, trying to search for where the sensation was coming from.

“What is it?” He asked, as he pulled his head back to watch my face carefully.

Realization dawned as I drew my gaze back to Pala. “It’s Dio. He’s feeling distressed.” I didn’t have time to marvel that I could feel Dio’s emotions, even at this distance. His emotions were pulling at me.

I whipped around to Dave, but couldn’t spot him where he’d been a moment ago. Until Pala spun me around again. Dave had walked over to Ziggy and was crouched down, so he was looking at him at eye level.

“Hey buddy, you’ve grown since I saw you last. Noah will be happy to see you. I know he’s been worried about you,” he said. It was then I remembered Noah and Ziggy were best friends, and their moms spent a lot of time shuttling them back and forth between the farm and town.

Ziggy relaxed slightly at hearing Noah’s name. It can’t have been easy for him, leaving his mom behind, not really knowing if he’d see her again, and heading into the dark unknown with a stranger. He was looking fragile and about three seconds from bursting into tears again, which I knew would mortify him in front of Dave.

I suddenly felt like complete shit for getting so caught up in my own emotions. I tried to tamp them down as I hurried over to Ziggy.

“Hey, Ziggy, let’s get you on Dave’s bike and we can get you to the farm. Noah’s mom is going to be really glad to see you, too.” I knew she’d be better than me at comforting him right now. He just nodded and kept his eyes down, blinking rapidly.

Dave went to step away with him, but I put my hand on him gently to halt him for a second. “Uh, does Dio know I’m not at the farm?”

He scrunched up his face and looked at me in confusion. “Probably, by now. He was on his way back in the helicopter with Sam just before I came looking for you. I freaked out when I saw your note. I can’t imagine he’s doing much better and he wouldn’t know where you were headed or how to follow you.”

Well, shit.I hadn’t meant to cause anyone distress. I’d just done what I always did.

Dave lifted my chin with his finger again. “Hey, it’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out. He’ll just be worried, but he’ll understand.”

I nodded. Dio had made me feel alive from the first moment I touched him. The thought of him being disappointed in me, or angry at me, left me feeling nauseous.

But I just nodded and stumbled over my words a little as I asked. “Are you okay? I mean, are we okay?” I jerked my head in Pala’s direction. Not knowing if I’d just broken something that had barely started between Dave and I.

“We’re more than okay, Lex. You’re being hit with a lot right now. I have no plans to make this harder on you. Don’t worry about me. Or us. I’m not going anywhere.”

I nodded again, feeling incapable of words. He seemed to understand as he leaned down and brushed a light kiss across my lips before he turned and strode away.

Pala had grabbed Ziggy already and hoisted him up onto the bike. At his age, and given the dangerous terrain we’d be covering in the complete dark, it was safer for him to sit between Dave’s arms.

Dave swung his leg over behind Ziggy and got him settled securely in front of him, showing him where to put his feet. Dave only had one helmet, so he made Ziggy put it on.

Dave looked over at us as if he was waiting. “Go,” I said, “your bike is quiet. We’ll draw more attention. Ziggy’s safety is our priority.”

Dave clenched his jaw, looking like he wanted to disagree, but he relented. “Take the main road. Getting back in one piece is more important than stealth right now. If you’re not right behind me, I’m coming back after you and I probably won’t be alone.”

I nodded and watched as Dave took one long, last look at me. A heated look that seemed to hold a world of promise within it. Then he turned and took off. The only sound was the crackling of leaves and twigs under the bike until he hit the bitumen. In the darkness, he blended into the road and disappeared almost instantly.

I felt Pala grab my hand and tug me towards my bike. He hopped up on the very back and patted the seat in front of him. Confusion had me hesitating. I knew I was shorter than him, but I wasn’t a child. I didn’t need to ride up front.

“Let’s go, Lex,” he said, “before Sam and Dio send the cavalry out for you.”

That thought got me moving. I swung myself up onto the bike in front of him and he settled his hands on my waist and put his feet up. I finally figured out he was expecting me to drive, and I was gobsmacked.

“You don’t want to drive?” I asked.