“I know we only met today and we’ve already mated with each other. It’s a lot, and it’s going to take some time to adjust to that and figure out what it means for us. But I want you to know that I don’t want our bond to limit you.”
Dio turned his earnest gaze back to me and watched me closely to see how I would react to his words. I searched our bond and felt nothing but reassurance coming from him. I’d known monsters and Dio definitely wasn’t one. There wasn’t a single regret in my heart about what we’d just done. I wasn’t sure what he was alluding to about limiting me, though.
I leaned into Dio and kissed him with a sweet, chaste kiss, befitting the moment, and sent back reassurance through our bond. Yet Dio pressed on. It appeared he had more to say on the subject.
“Sam is reacting to you just as strongly as I did, and there’s clearly something between you and Dave. Watching Maia with your brother and his friends earlier today, proudly claiming them all as her mates blew my mind. The way they all gravitated to each other and seemed to be completely in sync was a beautiful thing. It went beyond family. Sam and I have always felt more than family to each other as well.”
“I noticed you said ‘our mate,’ not ‘my mate,’ to Sam just before.” When Dio had said those words, a thrill had run through me and a yearning had flared to life inside of me. Sam felt just as much mine as Dio did, but there was a vulnerability hidden within Sam’s messy dominance that cautioned me to tread carefully.
“You heard that, huh?” Dio chuckled. “It kind of slipped out. I don’t want to scare you or push anything on you. Whatever happens next is up to you. But I wanted you to know I’m okay if what we have extends to other people. As long as we’re honest with each other.”
Shit. Did Dio want to be with other people?I growled lightly at him, feeling suddenly territorial and jealous. The thought of Dio with another woman made me feel murderous. I knew that was irrational and unfair considering three men currently had me transfixed, but my hormones were out of control after being repressed for so long.
“I’m not okay with you being with other women.” My words sounded choked and angry, even to my own ears, and I felt my whole body tense.
Dio instantly stepped into me and wrapped his arms around me tightly, while kissing the side of my face and nuzzling me. He was rubbing his scent all over me.
“I didn’t mean like that. You’re it for me, Lex. I knew it the first moment I saw you. I just meant that I’m not afraid of the word pack. If we bring other people into this, it’s with you in the middle, as our omega. It’s your choice. I just want you to be comfortable exploring this new part of yourself.”
I didn’t know what to say to that. I wasn’t used to being so open about my feelings with people, and my feelings right now were all a confused mix of new instincts and wildly swinging emotions. My intense need to claim him had been pure instinct, and I hadn’t thought in the moment about what that would mean for us, or for Sam and Dave.
When I didn’t answer, Dio picked me up and took me through the open door into the lounge area. He fell backward onto the couch with me straddling him. I had to throw an arm out to keep myself from face planting into his chest. The blanket I had clutched in my hand moved with it, exposing my breast to his gaze.
Dio licked his lips and chuckled lightly as his eyes dipped before his gaze shifted right back to my face.
“Nice distraction, but it won’t work.”
“Your naked ass is on my couch,” I said, trying to change the subject.
“You like my ass. I saw you ogling it earlier.” He winked at me and gave me a cheeky grin, his naturally easy going personality coming back online. I knew it didn’t mean he wasn’t still worried about Sam, but this was his love language. Teasing.
I raised one eyebrow in question, but he just smiled at me wider, his dimple showing.Dammit. My stern eyebrow move usually worked to get people talking. It seemed Dio was immune to its powers. I was definitely not immune to that dimple, though.
“Talk to me, Lex. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Packs are illegal. The government thinks they’re dangerous,” I said, needing to start somewhere simple.
“Uh, huh? I’ve barely known you a day, but I’ve seen enough to know that you’re not afraid to break a few rules and bust a few balls. You live your life your own way, without apology. So why change now?”
He looked out the window for a moment, his eyes unfocused, as if he was seeing something else rather than the dark outline of trees in the moonlight. “Plus, the world outside these fences has gone to shit. It’s not like anyone is going to care. The government and the military are completely missing in action.”
I sighed, knowing both those points were valid.What are you even arguing about, Lex?
He was right. I wasn’t a rule follower, especially if it was a stupid rule that didn’t benefit anyone except the people making them.
“Are you telling me you wouldn’t back up your brother if he and his mates call themselves a pack? The way they act, they’re all but a pack, just without the title.”
He had me there.
“I would back my brother up with anything he needed. Anything,” I said with fierce determination.
Dio ran his hands smoothly up my legs and onto my back, calming me with long, comforting strokes up and down my spine. It didn’t really have the effect he intended, though. It made me want to arch into him and stick my funbags in his face.
“I have no doubt,” was all he replied, briefly flashing me with that dimple again.
I wasn’t sure why this was so important to him, and why we had to discuss it now. He watched me for a moment longer, before something seemed to shift in his eyes. He pulled me into his chest and I snuggled into his neck, breathing in his comforting buttered popcorn scent.
“I grew up on a winery estate that felt very similar to this place. My whole family lived there, aunts, uncles, cousins. Some special uncles, too, that weren’t related to us but lived in their own cottage right next to ours. They spent a lot of time in our home. They were often already there when I woke up in the morning. All the adults seemed to communicate without talking at times, just sharing a look. They were all very affectionate with each other too, and they all treated me like I was their son.