Page 30 of Knot Your Problem

It was scary and exhilarating, and I felt it all reflected in Dio. I knew trouble would brew from this, but at this moment, I couldn’t find it in me to care.

“We’ll figure it out together, okay?” He said as he brushed the tears from my face. I didn’t have to tell him they were happy tears. He could feel it.

I was an omega, and my true mate had claimed me. Lying here, locked to his knot, was the only place I wanted to be.

That was, until I suddenly heard Bear barking angrily outside, followed by a ferocious roar and the sounds of a fight breaking out.


“Fuck.”Diocursedashe whipped his head around. “That’s Sam, but I don’t know who the hell he’s roaring at.”

We needed to get out there, but Dio had me impaled and locked on his knot. It didn’t seem to bother him, though. He wrapped his arms around me and hauled me up as he rose onto his knees and then his feet. He had incredible strength in his legs.

I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist, but he had a tight grip on me. He’d grabbed a blanket off the bed on his way up and wrapped it around me now to cover me up. Then he shuffled his feet out of the jeans that were still pooled around his ankles.

“This won’t be pretty, or fast. Don’t judge me, okay,” Dio said with a wink as he made his way over to the stairs and hustled down them awkwardly. His knot was pulling on me deliciously and I tried hard not to moan at every step.

I could still hear the fight going on outside and Bear growling threateningly. So grinding on Dio was not a great idea right now. Plus, I didn’t want him to drop me on the stairs. We got down to the main floor and out the door before his knot softened enough that I could slip off.

He gave me a quick kiss, followed by a piercing look. “Stay here, okay?”

No way was I agreeing to that, but before I could say anything, he turned and vaulted over the railing, butt-ass naked.

I gasped and rushed over, my heart hammering, convinced I’d see his broken body lying at the bottom. We were two-stories high up here. But he’d grabbed onto one of the knotted ropes my brother and his friends had installed so they could challenge each other to rope climb races. Instead of using the stairs like everyone else.

Dio was rappelling down like a damn ninja. I hoped he didn’t get any rope burn on his dick, though. I had plans for it later. My gaze darted over to the clearing as I spotted movement at the bottom of the stairs, but it was too dark in the shadows to make out who it was from here.

I cursed to myself as I tried to slow my heart rate and run down the stairs while trailing the blanket I was clutching around myself. When I reached the bottom, I recognized Dave’s outline in front of me, as if he was guarding the entrance. I’d spent a lot of time secretly watching him. I knew his shape, even in the darkness. Bear was growling lightly at his side.

Beyond them, illuminated in a shaft of moonlight, Dio was standing with his hand on Sam’s chest. The picture they made in the moonlight took my breath away.

Dio looked like a fae creature come to taunt the devil, with his curly hair all mussed up and all that gorgeous olive skin gleaming over his sculpted back. And fuck me, that view of his perfectly rounded ass needed to have songs written about it.

While Sam behind him looked like a fallen angel. His golden blonde hair was glowing in the moonlight, and his dark blue eyes were wild as he scented the air. His tight fitting black clothes hugged him to perfection. He had incredibly broad shoulders, tapering down to a narrow waist, and his biceps were straining the stitching on his t-shirt as he clenched his fists. I half expected to see black wings sprout behind him.

Together, they looked like sin.

“Didn’t Dio ask you to stay put?” Sam growled through clenched teeth, without even looking at me.

Oh no, he didn’t.I straightened my spine, readying to push back.

“No. Dio told me to stay put. But I’m a big girl who can take care of herself and doesn’t like to be told what to do, so here I am.” I may have just mated Dio, but I wouldn’t let that change me. I’d spent far too long learning how to stand on my own, to sit in a corner now.

“It wasn’t for your protection, Lex. It was for Sam’s,” Dio said, sounding exasperated. “He caught your scent and his beast is riding him hard. He’s trying to hold back, but he’s not in complete control right now.”

Oh. Oh shit.Dio was protecting Sam. From me.

Sam suddenly scented the air and growled low in his chest, as he swiveled his head to stare straight at me in the shadows. It wasn’t an aggressive growl, though, more a darkly possessive one. Don’t ask me how I knew the difference, I just did.

It was probably because of the goosebumps that growl gave me, and the way it made me ache to be claimed. I stepped towards Sam, but Bear blocked me once again. I huffed at him. “Stand down, Bear.”

Bear completely ignored me. Instead, he took a step closer to Sam and Dio, intensifying his own growl in response to Sam’s. Dave was a silent shadow at his side, watching the scene in front of him carefully.

Damn males, none of them paid attention when I needed them to the most. I knew from experience working with dominant alphas that I couldn’t back away now that I was here. Or I’d never get Sam’s respect.

I growled my frustration and took another step forward. This time, Dave shifted to let me pass and Bear moved with me instead of blocking me. Dave pulled into my side, slightly behind me. His solid presence there was reassuring. I had an urge to reach out and grab his hand, but I didn’t think that would help the situation.

I looked at him over my shoulder. He had a rip in his shirt and his salt and pepper hair was all mussed up too.