“This must be the infamous Bear. Hi, Bear.” Dio immediately lowered down to his knees to be more on Bear’s level, showing no fear. Then stayed perfectly still while Bear gave him a thorough sniffing.
Dio let out a chuckle as he said, “That tickles, man,” when Bear sniffed his neck and he copped a brush of whiskers over his cheek.
Bear immediately put his head on Dio’s shoulder and let out a soft doggy whuff, before all but sitting in Dio’s lap, almost knocking him over.
“You need a hug, don’t you, buddy? You’ve had a rough day, from what I’ve heard. But you’re such a good boy, aren’t you, Bear? Protecting Lexie and the farm. We’re going to be the best of friends, I can tell,” Dio said to him quietly, as if the words were just for Bear.
Dio followed through as he wrapped his strong arms around Bear and hugged him gently, before running long strokes up and down Bear’s back. He finished with a scratch around his head, which Bear loved. Bear kept nudging him for more, as Dio laughed, with joy lighting up his face. It was almost like watching two kindred spirits meet for the first time.
I was speechless. Bear was very protective of his people, which included everyone living on the farm, and gave all the new arrivals a thorough checking over. Some he warmed to, while others he seemed to reserve judgment on, watching them closely and giving them warning growls. Others he straight out disliked, and we were always wary of those people. Bear was an exceptional judge of character.
But I’d never seen him react to anyone, other than me, this way before. He liked Leif and his friends, and mostly followed their directions when it came to farm protection. But this was different. It was almost like he considered Dio his own pack.
Dio pulled back a little, grabbed Bear by the face, stroked it and said, “Hey Bear, why don’t you get some rest while I take over watching Lexie for a while?”
I swear Bear nodded, as he whuffed gently again and nudged Dio’s face. Then he slipped off Dio’s lap, with amazing grace for a dog of his size. He gently picked up the flowers that Dio had rested on the ground in his enormous jaw before he turned quickly and padded over to present them to me. Dio laughed.
“Hey, you cheated. They were from me.”
Bear whuffed over his shoulder at Dio, and I swear he was saying, “Too slow, loser,” before he ambled over to his bed, circled twice and collapsed in a big heap. He was lights out in seconds.
I’d never seen Bear fall asleep so fast. He always seemed to have one eye open, watching for danger. But right now, he was completely relaxed, almost as if he trusted Dio to have his back.
I looked over at the man in question, one eyebrow raised again. Dio just shrugged as he got to his feet. “I like him. He’s got big balls. Literally,” he said as he wiped his pants where Bear had been sitting on him with a fake grimace. “He can have this bunch. It just means I’ll have to bring you more.”
I lifted the now slightly crumpled flowers to my face and sniffed them, trying to hide my smile. “Can we talk for a moment?” I asked him, a little breathlessly. “I have some questions.”
Screw asking questions, just screw him.My instincts were screaming at me. Making my breath come out in little pants and he hadn’t even touched me.
“Sure, anything you want to know, I’ll tell you,” Dio said as he prowled over to me. He moved with a casual, relaxed grace that belied the strength in his body. Yet his attention was wholly on me now, and he raked his gaze over me as he came closer, paying particular attention to my bare legs.
I felt goosebumps raise over my arms at the way his eyes never left me. He licked his lips as though he was imagining how I tasted.
Dio stopped close to me, but kept some distance. He pointed to a bucket of water I’d brought out, intending to water some plants on the deck, but hadn’t gotten around to actually doing so.
“Is that clean water? Can I wash my hands?” I nodded, and he turned then bent forward, giving me a delicious view of his ass in his form fitting jeans.
He had the most gorgeous bubble butt I’d ever seen. It was all lush curves and my hands itched to run over it. He washed his hands quickly before shaking them out and I forced myself to look away before I got caught ogling him like a hussy.
Being a hussy wasn’t something I was actually worried about. I was all for women exploring their sexuality the same way society encouraged men to do.
I just wanted to focus for a second and eyeing his butt was giving me all kinds of ideas. There was enough sexual chemistry already pulsing between us. I didn’t need to add to it.
He straightened up and leaned against the railing, all casual curly haired gorgeousness, and gave me an encouraging smile as he waited for me to start my questions with a glint in his eye, like he knew I’d been checking him out.
I shook my head slightly, trying to get my horny thoughts off his ass and back on track as I laid the flowers on the railing gently. “Did you tell Sam you were coming to meet me?”
I was curious to know. I didn’t want what I was about to do to come between Dio and Sam. They appeared to be close.
Dio seemed surprised by the question, but he nodded quickly as he settled in to lean against the railing. “I have no secrets from Sam. I trust him with my life.”
My body relaxed a little at his words and his honesty. I’d developed an acute sense of danger from having been around it constantly as a child. I knew what it felt like, the shapes it liked to take, and what it tasted like in the air. I got no sense of danger from Dio, or Sam, despite his leaking dominance. Only that incessant pull.
Right now, I couldn’t think past Dio’s buttered popcorn scent hitting me on the faint breeze. It almost made my eyes roll back in my head.
“Why are you and Sam here?” I needed to know what had brought them to the farm, especially now.
“We’ve been tracking the people we think caused the Crash and also looking for Maia. Sam needed to know she was okay,” he replied.