Page 138 of Knot Your Problem

I shifted my head and wrapped my lips around the head of his cock, licking the underside before sucking hard on the tip. I thrust Lexie down onto me savagely at the same time, gripping her ass hard enough to bruise. Lexie whined in pleasure, her mouth going slack around the base of Dio’s cock.

“Stick out your tongue, Lex.” She did as I demanded, and let Dio slide over it as he thrust back into my mouth. I bobbed my head and sucked him down further, matching the intense pace as I was thrusting into Lexie.

Lexie dropped her hand and fondled Dio’s balls as our mouths met at the base of his cock. I hummed as he slid into the back of my throat and I heard him yell incoherently as hot cum drizzled down my throat. The taste of him combined with Lexie’s slick in my mouth had me coming in a frenzied rush, forcing another hard, sharp orgasm from Lexie as well.

“Holy shit, that was hot.” Lexie was trembling against me and Dio had slumped onto the back of the chair, tilting us all precariously.

“I’ll say,” came a deep, sexy voice filled with need and sleep. I rolled my head and Dio shifted slightly so we could see Sam leaning against the railing like a lazy cat, stroking himself with his hand down his sweats. “You know how hard it is to sleep when all we can feel in the bond is you guys fucking?”

Dave was lounging in the doorway, wearing only a pair of sweats as well. He was glowering at us while giving off hot daddy vibes, but had abstained from touching himself. I don’t know how, but his dick looked painfully hard. “Everybody in the shower now. Or we’re going to miss breakfast.”

“Oh shit, I need to see if Maia is awake so we can call Ava too.” Lexie leaped off my lap and bolted towards the bathroom, dropping her blanket over the back of the couch as she went. We all followed her like a trail of lovesick puppies.

I glanced at Dio, before flicking my gaze to Sam and Dave, worried things would be awkward now. I wasn’t sure I was looking to add a boyfriend to the mix. My relationship with Lexi made me happier than I ever could have imagined. She was my mate and there was no competition in my heart. I was completely hers.

Yet a part of me had always felt a desire for Dio and I’d hungered for a safe space to explore that part of myself. What we had together now, sharing Lexie between us, felt perfect for me. It seemed to turn her on, too.

I shouldn’t have worried though. Dio had a massive cheeky grin on his face. He slapped me on the shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. “Fuck, she’s something else, isn’t she?”

Dave and Sam just laughed. I grinned back at Dio and nodded as I relaxed, knowing we were going to be okay.

“Dibs on showering with Lexie,” Sam yelled as he raced ahead of us. There were four shower heads out there and five of us now. I liked the playful side of Sam that seemed to come out around Lexie, now that he wasn’t carrying the burden of his power alone. I’d noticed him slip a letter into the letterbox on his way past. It made my heart smile.

“Shit, is that going to be a thing?” Dave grumbled as he followed behind. “I call dibs for tomorrow, if it is.”

Dio held the door and waited for Dave and me to pass through, to close it behind us. “Hey, who put a lock on the door? And when the hell did anyone find the time?”

Dave shrugged. “It needed to be done. It didn’t take long. I stole a lock from one of the storage sheds. Lexie’s more important than grain.”

Grain was pretty valuable in an apocalypse, but I didn’t argue with Dave. I agreed, Lexie was still more important.

Sam already had Lexie under the shower head when we made it through the door. She was in his arms with her legs wrapped around his waist and his cock buried deep inside her.

Dave took the shower next to them and soaped himself down while he blatantly watched Lexie. “Turn her around and fuck her from behind, Sam,” Dave demanded. “I want to see her tits getting sprayed by the water while you make them bounce.”

Sam shot him a heated look, and did what Dave asked. He dropped Lexie to her feet and spun her around in his arms before he pulled her ass back slightly and rammed into her. She flung one arm out to slap the wall and steady herself as Sam maneuvered her other arm behind her back, thrusting her chest out and giving Dave the perfect view of her tits under the spray.

“Is that what you wanted?” Sam growled at Dave as he set a fast pace, making Lexie’s tits bounce wildly. Yet despite Sam’s tone, I could feel his desire to please Dave in the bond. Dave just grunted as he soaped up his hard cock.

Dave, watching and directing them, seemed to set both Sam and Lexie off, as Lexie moaned through another intense orgasm. Sam chased hers, his body jerking as he roared out his own pleasure. He spilled himself deep inside her before he slumped onto the bench surrounding the shower area to catch his breath, pulling Lexie down with him.

Lexie shot a sly look at Dave before she hopped off Sam’s lap, accidentally dropped the soap and kicked it in Dave’s direction. “Oops.”

Dave narrowed his eyes as Lexie sashayed towards him with a glint in her eyes. Our girl wasn’t done yet. When she reached the soap, she turned around and bent over in front of him, waving her ass in the air.

Dave groaned, grabbed her ass, and shoved his impressive dick into her while she was still bent over. She gasped as he pulled her up, spun her around and pushed her into the wall.

“If you wave your naked ass in front of me, you’re going to get fucked hard, baby girl,” Dave rasped into her ear, loud enough that we could all hear.

“Yes, Daddy,” she moaned as she bit her lip mischievously and Dave groaned loudly. Despite his previous objections, the name seemed to turn him on. He pumped into her furiously as he grabbed her breasts roughly with both hands, using the hard grip to pull her onto his cock. He moved one hand down to her pussy and his hand jerked as I assumed he flicked her clit. She came hard and fast again.

She was so sensitive and responsive, especially since her heat, and we loved it.

“Good girl,” he growled roughly. He came on a long groan as his teeth latched onto his mark on her shoulder like he was trying to claim her again. Lexie’s orgasm seemed to drag out as she writhed underneath him.

“Fuck, now I’m hard again,” Dio said as he paid a lot of attention to soaping down his dick. “I think I want in on some of that good girl action.”

“You can be my good girl next time,” Dave joked.