Page 127 of Knot Your Problem

I was newly mated and on edge. I’d covered Lexie in my scent before she left, like an animal, knowing other alphas would be out here. I pretended I was just hugging her. In reality, I’d rubbed myself all over her while my beast had growled.

Lexie had rolled her eyes, but she’d also been smiling, so I don’t think she’d minded. She seemed to like my beast, which shocked the hell out of me.

I knew Lexie wasn’t alone. Pala was with her and I trusted him with her life, but it didn’t make it easier for me right now. Waiting not very patiently at the south checkpoint on the edge of town while Lexie was in the center of the action. My beast wanted to be with her, too. She was his to protect, even if she belonged to the others as well.

It also didn’t help that I’d had an epic hard-on since Lexie stood up to Damon earlier. It had taken everything in me not to pick her up, throw her over my shoulder and find the closest private wall to fuck her against. Even the thought of it now had my dick throbbing. I willed it down, trying to distract myself.

“Are you okay, there?” I glanced across and noticed my third-in-command, Matt, eyeing off the tent in my dark pants dubiously. “The prospect of battle never usually turned you on quite this much.”

“Shut up,” I groaned. “Just wait until you find your omega.”

“Lexie’s not even here right now.”

“Doesn’t matter. I just have to think about her or smell something that reminds me of her. Thank fuck there’s no passionfruit or meringue out here.”

He sniggered at me, clearly not done yet. “Will you be able to run with that tent pole in the way if we have to move quickly?”

I groaned.Fucking hell. Think un-Lexie thoughts. Fruit and sweaty balls. No, not fruit or balls. Both made me think of Lexie’s mouth. Shit.

My satellite phone vibrated against my hip and interrupted my thoughts. I looked at the number, it was the guys I still had on surveillance outside the Palace. A dark sense of foreboding hit me like a wave of ice cold water.

“Talk to me.” I bared my teeth, wanting to snarl at something, but held back.

“Just picked up chatter. There’s a lot of it. Something strange is going on here. You have incoming about to head your way. I don’t think they’re responding to an alert, or know you’re there. They’re transporting someone. A prisoner, I think. I don’t know who. But they’re heading to town to pick someone else up on the way.”

My beast thrummed, needing only one thing. Get to Lexie. But I had a lot of people here relying on me.

“Got it. Let me know when they’re on the move.”

“Uh, that would be now. They just came out. Moving fast. They definitely have a prisoner. Some huge guy in chains. He’s stumbling, looks sedated. They’ve put him in the back of a humvee. I don’t think they want to mess around in the open. I’d say you have fifteen minutes. Do you want us to intercept?”

“How many with him and does the humvee have a gun turret?”

“Three alphas. Highly trained from the way they move. No gun turret.”

“Stand down and keep watch. Let me know if anyone follows.” Three alphas in a humvee were too much for the two guys I had on watch. Plus, it would leave us blind if anyone followed them.

I set a fifteen minute timer on my watch and called Dave on his satellite phone and let him know he had company coming. He was with Damon and the team guarding the road on the north side of town. We’d all deferred to him to plan this mission, given the respect everyone had for him. Even my guys. We’d never worked with him before, but we all knew him by reputation.

It also made sense. Damon and I were both newly mated prime alphas, although I hadn’t really gotten my head around the prime alpha thing yet. I’d been putting off thinking about it. It made us both potentially volatile, though, and nobody knew how we would react if anyone threatened one of our mates. We needed someone with a cool head overseeing things.

Dave downplayed his experience and position in the military when he talked to Lexie, but he had been a brilliant and highly capable commander. He’d taken Lexie’s ideas, refined them slightly, and put us all in positions that worked to our strengths.

“Roger that.” Dave’s voice was terse. He wasn’t happy with the news, but he wouldn’t mess around asking questions right now. He’d step up and do whatever needed to be done to get everyone out of this alive.

He paused for a beat, considering our options. I could hear Damon growling faintly in the background. “Okay. The North team will intercept the humvee. Shit will go down fast as soon as they do. Damon will signal as they strike. Before he does, mobile teams will need to take out the guards and be in position to take out the pub on your secondary go signal.

“The PMV will enter town on your signal. If you don’t need it in town, send it North. The North team will hold until it arrives. You have comms. I’ll rendezvous with you in town. Got it?”

“Roger Wilco.” I ended the call immediately. We had no time to waste and Dave would expect it. Our plan had changed, and we needed to adapt quickly, or innocent people would be in danger. We all had to rely on each other to do their part now and focus on our own.

As commander, Dave should remain outside the fray until the major action was over, but the world had changed and old rules no longer applied. We were making it up as we went now, doing what worked best for us.

Dave had made it clear that he was happy to plan the attack, but if things went sideways, he’d be heading into town as back-up. And shit was most definitely going sideways.

“Matt, can you watch this checkpoint yourself?” He nodded quickly before I’d even finished speaking. “The PMV will come through on my signal from town. Be ready for it. Monitor the direction of the farm and watch for any signal from there. You’ll be our only eyes, everyone else is going to get busy really fast. Once the first signal goes up from Damon, you’re free to use the radio. Let me know if you see anything. “

We’d taken both our satellite phones with us. So we were relying on a long-range radio in the PMV and a sight line to keep a watch on the farm. They only had a skeleton security team tonight, and it was making us all nervous.