Page 120 of Knot Your Problem

“We don’t know what this meeting is going to involve, but I want to get everyone on board so that we can swing into action as soon as we’re good to go. Tonight. Spreading the word will be up to Isabella and Sirena, while Maia, Ava, and I are in this family meeting. Are you both okay with that?”

“You can count on us, Lex.” Isabella looked resolved and Sirena subtly shifted to stand closer to her.

“Okay then. Here’s the plan. “


Iproudlystrolledintothe dining hall for the family meeting, leading my mates through the main entry door while feeling their bonds bright and glowing in my chest. Damon, Max, Leif, and Hunter were already there, their serious expressions giving me a momentary pause. Cary was there too, quietly chatting to Hunter, looking more comfortable than he had in the past.

They had a portable speaker on the table and it was playing music quietly, but nobody seemed to pay attention to it. The music seemed like an anomaly. This wasn’t a social gathering. It was also a waste of electricity, which was unlike the guys. It made me uneasy. Something was up.

I searched our bond and sensed Lexie nearby. She felt like she was up to something, but I didn’t know what. She’d left before us, saying she needed to talk to Maia first and to start without her if she wasn’t there in time. Dave had tried to go with her, but she’d stared him down, eyebrow raised, until he’d backed off. Sam had been in the shower.

I could feel Dave’s disquiet in the bond, at not knowing what she was up to. I figured at least a few of his gray hairs were because of Lexie.

“Where’s Lexie?” Leif demanded immediately, looking at Dave.

“She left before us. She wanted to talk to Maia first.” Leif didn’t seem happy with Dave’s reply, eyeing him and the casual way he settled himself next to me at the table.

“Maia’s in the kitchen, with Ava, Isabella and Sirena. She headed up before us too, saying something about coffee, fake chocolate chips and girl chat.” Leif flicked his eyes to Sam as he talked, narrowing them. “That was a hell of a lot of roaring the other night, sounded like your beast went into rut. Is Lex okay?”

“She deliberately provoked my beast. Nothing happened that Lex didn’t want or orchestrate,” Sam said.

Leif just grunted at Sam before he flicked his hard gaze back to Dave and a slow smile spread over his face.

“Looks like she orchestrated a lot,” Damon growled, looking at Dave as well and eyeing the still raw bite mark edging above the neck of his t-shirt.

“Lexie doesn’t hold back when she decides she wants something. Full disclosure, though. We all claimed Dave, including Lexie,” I replied.

There were shocked faces and sharp inhales all around the table opposite us. I glanced at Dave and he had a huge, smug grin on his face. He looked relaxed, no more tension riding him or secrets holding him back, as if he knew he was exactly where he was meant to be.

“All of you?” Max asked as he sat forward. All of his mates turned to him with concern and he glanced at them all briefly. “I’m not asking for that. Hell, I’m not even sure what it means. I’m just curious.”

Hunter smirked at us all. “Yeah, we’re all curious.”

“I’m not fucking anyone but Lexie, Hunter.” Hunter just laughed at Dave’s gruff declaration.

“When Lexie mated Sam, his dominance flowed between her and her mates, but it felt unsettled, almost agitated. It needed a center, an anchor and couldn’t find it. Lexie unconsciously chose Dave a long time ago, but we needed him to step up quickly, and he did. Our alphas were all on board. Lexie chose him as a mate, but we chose him as a brother and solidified our bonds all at once,” I said, speaking honestly and plainly. We had nothing to hide from these men.

“Interesting,” Max murmured, his forehead furrowed. Cary was looking at us all, seeming intrigued as well.

“We’re all thrilled for you, man.” Hunter dropped his cocky attitude for a moment. He got up and came around the table to give Dave a hug.

Leif and the others followed him. Even Cary got up and shook Dave’s hand, appearing genuinely happy for him.

“You always felt like family, Dave. Now we know why.” Leif seemed delighted as he hugged Dave last, before he turned to Sam with a faux stern glare. “Welcome to the family, too, Sam. Just don’t pull that rut shit again. You almost gave me a heart attack. Maia had to sit on me to stop me from coming after you.”

“Like you minded, considering she was naked.” Hunter had to dodge as Sam reached past Leif to punch him playfully on the arm.

“We’re going to need to work out some boundaries about naked talk,” Sam huffed, glaring at Hunter.

“Agreed.” Leif nodded his head vigorously, standing between them. “That goes both ways.”

We all settled back into our seats, but the camaraderie of the moment quickly dissipated as all eyes turned to Max.

“Lexie said to start without her, but we’d rather she be here,” I said into the silence. I knew these guys had a lot of respect for Lexie and didn’t think they would mind waiting for her, but Damon had us all stunned when he growled low and put us all in our place.

“There’s no way we’re getting into this without Lexie. She’s part owner of this farm and has a say in any decisions we make.”