Page 115 of Knot Your Problem

“I know, but it’s not good enough. We can’t protect her if we don’t know what’s happening to her,” Sam snarled, sounding angry at himself.

“Enough. What’s done is done. We need to focus on Lexie now.” Dave grabbed my face, dragging it up from his chest and towards the light. “Shit, her pupils are blown wide. Lexie, what do you need, baby?”

Dave had pulled away from me slightly, and I growled in frustration and pain, feeling suddenly dizzy. My thoughts were incoherent, words swirled away from me whenever I tried to grasp them.

“I don’t know how to help her with a heat,” Dave said quickly, from too far away.

“Nobody does, they’re so rare,” Dio said, his voice hoarse. “We’re going to have to use our alpha instincts and let her guide us.”

“I’m not an alpha. I don’t have your instincts, and I don’t have a bond with her yet,” Dave hissed, his frustration slipping out, as I cried out incoherently and started pulling at him, trying to get him closer. “I need you guys to dig deep and feel her. Let me know what else she needs.”

“We’ve got you, Dave,” Sam said, as if Dave’s frustration had cast his own aside. Sam pressed himself into me from behind, wrapping his arms around both Dave and me, drawing him back into my body.

I was aching and burning while a ravenous need that seemed impossible to fill started beating a wild rhythm in my blood. I cried out again, feeling like I couldn’t get any air, desperate to breathe, to fuck.

“Calm, omega,” Sam growled suddenly, and that delicious purr sounded again, feeling like a cool splash of water against my skin. It didn’t fill the need, but it calmed me enough that I could breathe again. Sucking in deep lungfuls of humid, moisture laden air.

“Dave, pack, nest, blankets, knots,” I begged, finding words as I reached up behind me to press Sam closer to me, wanting to crawl inside him and curl around that purring vibration. Needing darkness, soft blankets and the scent of my mates around me.

“I’m right here, baby girl. I’m not going anywhere,” Dave said as he pressed himself into me.

“Fuck,” Dio cursed loudly. The sound echoed around the cave as Dio’s hands ran along my heated skin, as if he couldn’t help himself, making my body writhe. “That heat scent shit is potent. My dick feels like it’s about to snap off.”

I could feel Sam’s rock hard cock pressed against my back and I rubbed my body against him as I thrashed, desperate for friction.

“We’re going to be exposed if we try to move her,” Dave warned, his voice sounding dark, not liking anyone else seeing me this way as I leaned forward and started licking and sucking his shoulder, almost mindless with need.

“We need to move. Maia’s heat lasted for two days. We have no supplies in here. We don’t even have drinkable water,” Pala said, almost slurring his words. He sounded drunk as he stroked my wet hair and made me moan. Every part of me felt over sensitive. Even my hair.

I ground myself against both Dave and Sam, ‌thrusting between them. They responded instinctively by jerking their hips up against me, dry humping me. It wasn’t enough. I needed more. I tried to angle myself onto a cock, any cock, but Sam held me fast. Frustration and pain had me crying out. I felt so empty it hurt.

“Guys,” Dave ground out. “Loft or here, but this is happening. Make a decision.”

“Loft,” Sam snarled, sounding like he was about to lose it.

The sound of splashing water filled my ears, and they hauled me out of the hot spring to stand dripping and naked in the cave. Dizziness overwhelmed me as the cramps returned with the loss of their bodies and Sam’s purr. I doubled over and clutched my stomach.

“Dammit. Hang on.” Dave’s voice moved further away, but he was back in moments. “Put this shirt on her.”

Something dark slid over my head and I protested, hating the scratchy feel of the fabric rubbing on my body. I tried to pull away, but then I caught a whiff of Pala’s scent and I inhaled it deeply. I recognized him as mine. It made my need spike to obscene levels.

I growled deep in my throat as I launched myself at Dio and grabbed his cock. I squeezed it around the base and tried to force it inside me, throwing my leg around his waist. His eyes rolled back in his head as he jerked his cock out of my grip, at the very edge of his control.

“Somebody grab her or I’m fucking her right here,” Dio ground out.

“Pala, scout ahead. Clear anyone out of our path. We’re moving.” Dave’s voice had me spinning my head in his direction. I whined as I felt Pala move away from us. I got a glimpse of his naked ass as he disappeared around the bend, not bothering with clothes.

Dave grabbed me and pulled me from between Sam and Dio. I heard them both growl deep in their chests. He ignored them and spun Sam around while holding me at bay as gently as he could. “Piggyback, now. It’ll keep your dicks out of her until we get there.”

Sam nodded in a jerky movement and crouched down. I all but fell onto his naked back and immediately started licking my bite mark on his neck and rubbing myself all over him. He picked me up with a growl, holding my thighs in a firm grip that had me moaning for more. The need for them to manhandle me and use me for their own pleasure was burning through me.

Sam took off around the bend at a fast sprint, jostling me and causing friction as my nipples rubbed against the fabric and his hard back. “Sam,” I whined as more cramps hit me. I tried to grind down, but there was nothing to grind on.

“I know, sweetheart. Hang on.”

I couldn’t help it, whimpers escaped, no matter how hard I tried to keep them in. Suddenly Dio was there, keeping pace with us. His hand ran down my back, caressed my ass briefly, then slid between my spread legs. Two fingers speared inside me and the ecstasy shooting through my core had me yelling his name out loud.

Dio used the natural bounce caused by Sam’s sprint to fuck me with his fingers as they ran out the entrance of the cave and into the trees. I didn’t know which path they took. I paid no attention to our surroundings. My entire world focused down onto those fingers, pushing as deep as they could go inside me.