Page 112 of Knot Your Problem

“You’re not mad?” He asked.

“No. I never really expected my brother to let me run around at night in dangerous situations without back-up. I couldn’t have Leif with me or even spreading his scent in the area. The women I dealt with were often afraid of men they knew, let alone strange alphas turning up. But I always figured they were in the background somewhere.

“Especially Max. I figured he had me under surveillance, considering it was his system that sent the alerts. To be honest, it always kind of made me feel like a Charlie’s Angel, with an invisible team.”

Dave chuckled lightly and relaxed a little. “Does that make Max, Bosley or Charlie?”

“Definitely Bosley. You were always Charlie.”

Dio snorted at that. “I can see you as Charlie, Dave. All mysterious, directing everyone but also taking care of everyone.”

“What happened to that big, angry guy? The one that was stalking me a few months ago then suddenly disappeared?”

Dave threw back his head and laughed, but it was Sam’s turn to tense now.

“Someone was stalking you?” Sam growled, laser focused on me as if he could pull the information from my brain with just his mind.

I just shrugged a little. “I pissed off a lot of not-very-nice men.”

“That one was particularly nasty.” Dave said. “He decided it would be a good idea to move back home to his mom, across the other side of the country. He had some medical problems that popped up unexpectedly.”

I felt a smile trying to force itself across my face, and bit my lip to hide it.

Dave groaned. “This is why I kept my distance from you. To stop me from manhandling you every time you bit your lip, sassed someone, gave someone that eyebrow move you pull, or even just breathed, really.”

“What if I wanted to be manhandled by you?” Dave took a deep, shuddering breath and his hand tightened on the rock where he’d stretched his arms out.

“Lexie, I’m a lot older than you. It’s not socially acceptable, the way I’ve always felt about you. People would talk and judge. It would be a problem.”

Dio inhaled sharply and I could see him shaking his head frantically at Dave out of the corner of my eye. Sam was staring at Dave worriedly.

“Who says it’s not right?” I asked, a little too loudly. “Tell me who thinks it’s not right and I’ll kick their asses. It’s nobody’s business but yours and mine what we do together. Is my age a problem for you, or just for other people? Because I’m nobody’s problem. I’ll walk away right now, if that’s the thing holding you back. You thinking I’ll be a problem in your life?”

My blood was suddenly boiling in my veins, and I could feel sweat trickle down my hairline.

“Lex, no. That’s not what I meant. You’re gorgeous, feisty, kind, and so fucking strong. You are never a problem, not for me, not ever.” Dave glided over to me, pulled my head towards his and rested his forehead against mine. Pala released his arms from around my waist, but stayed behind me.

Dave took a deep breath. “I meant I’d be a problem for you. You bring starlight to the darkness in my life, but there’s nothing I offer you that would make up for strangers whispering every time I held your hand. Would you really be okay if we were out and someone assumed I was your father?”

“Since when have I ever cared about what strangers whisper about? Have you looked at me? Do I look like I give a fuck?” I asked him. “And I’ll happily call you Daddy.”

He groaned and shot me a dark look. “Do not call me Daddy.”

He shook his head at me when I smirked at him. “I’ve always looked at you way too fucking much, Lexie. I could never seem to stop, even though I told myself I should.”

I was quiet for a moment, gathering my thoughts. “Is it my brother? Are you worried about your friendship with him?”

“Ironically no,” Dave said, as he pulled back to look at me. “Leif made it very clear recently that he would be happy if we got together. It appears Damon, Max and Leif have suspected I had feelings for you for a while. Hunter was clueless, though. It’s rare anyone gets one over on him.”

I wanted to ask about these feelings, but I also wanted to know more about what the guys said about us. I raised my eyebrow at Dave’s words and he just licked his lower lip in response, causing tingles to start up in my body again and naughty ideas to enter my head.

My scent was spilling into the space between us, overriding the dark, mineral scent of the surrounding cave, letting him know exactly what that did to me. He smiled darkly.

“You were talking about me to my brother recently?” I asked, wanting him to answer the silent question he seemed intent on ignoring.

“Yeah. When Damon quizzed me about my intentions towards you at the security meeting after breakfast a few days ago. Dio told me you needed me and it was time I stepped up, and I resigned my job as your secret bodyguard.”

I was annoyed at Damon, but I could hug Dio right now. “Oh, sounds like it was an eventful morning. Do I get a say in any of this?” I asked.