Page 106 of Knot Your Problem

I landed at the bottom and headed toward the guest houses, where I knew a bunch of unmated alphas were staying. His team. He’d scent my direction and it would drive him wild that I was headed toward them.

I felt a little mean, but he needed the push. Plus, the thought of him chasing me, his beast stalking me in the encroaching darkness, had my omega all riled up. I was wet just at the thought and leaving a scent trail that even a beta couldn’t miss.

I was almost to the first guest cabin when I heard a possessive roar behind me that came from the direction of the dining hall. It pulled me up short and seemed to make the very air vibrate around me.

I felt that delicious pull reach for me, even at this distance. It hummed over my skin like a silken caress. Making me promises I hoped it could keep. I moaned as I felt my slick start in response. I took a deep breath and pushed back, denying it.

Another roar broke the stillness, as well as my stasis. Only this echoed with a dark rage that had birds launching from their hidden perches, up into the sky and away from danger. Fleeing the beast.

I smiled and ran, knowing I was now prey.


Myheartbeatwildlyin my chest as my omega sent my adrenaline spiking with excitement and lust. A door burst open in front of me, momentarily letting out a stream of light as a hulking shadow rushed out to the deck. I recognized the alpha as one of Sam’s teammates when he stepped to the edge of the deck and looked across the clearing towards the dining hall.

I vaulted up the stairs, knocking the alpha aside as I barreled through the open doorway. Startled alphas leaped to their feet from where they were sitting on couches in the living area. I dashed past them, yelling, “Sorry,” as I headed for the back door just past the kitchen.

“Are you okay, Lexie?” One called out as another of the alphas tried to reach for me and I dodged them.

“Try to slow him down for me,” I yelled over my shoulder as I laughed through panted breaths. I only narrowly missed taking myself out on the corner of the kitchen bench in my distraction.

“Oh, fuck no. I’m getting out of here,” I heard someone say as I threw myself at the backdoor and flung it open.

“Shit, too late. He’s coming,” I heard from the front doorway.

“Sorry,” I yelled again as I leaped off the back deck, taking a thin nature trail through the thick trees and underbrush. I wasn’t sorry, though. I knew he wouldn’t hurt them, except maybe for that one guy at the door I had run into. My scent would be all over him. He should probably run too.

I heard another roar, this one much closer, and someone faintly yelled, “She ran into me, I swear.”

My lungs burned as I upped my pace, almost at my destination, when I heard branches snapping behind me. I lost valuable seconds spinning in the moonlight, looking for the marker, before I spotted it. I yanked bushes apart and launched myself into the entrance of the cave. The scent of leather, oak and whiskey assaulted my senses moments before arms banded around me.

My feet suddenly left the ground and another brutal movement had me spun around and pushed up against the rough stone wall. Sam held me tightly in place. Every inch of his body pushed into mine as sparks and light exploded within me at his touch. A savage snarl twisted his angelic face into something predatory that would terrify anyone else, but not me.

Fucking, finally.Was my only coherent thought.

“Mine,” Sam growled viciously a second before he kissed me with a ferocity that had me seeing stars as light streaked behind my eyes. It was a claim as much as it was a kiss, passionate and devouring. He destroyed me as he rebuilt me, my omega rushing to the surface and fusing with me in a way that I could never deny again, even if I wanted to.

I heard ripping sounds as he tore the clothes from my body and shredded his own in his primal need to take me, paying no heed to anything but the raw need to feel my skin on his own. I was almost mindless with desire as sparks skittered everywhere our skin touched. Sam’s thigh jammed between my legs almost aggressively, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t nearly enough. I was empty and aching for him, even as I ground against him.

I yanked my mouth free, not caring about the brutal hold he had on my hair, the bite of pain only flaring those sparks hotter. “Prove it,” I begged hoarsely.

He yanked my head back with a snarl as his beastly eyes, pupils blown wide, looked into the depths of my heart through my own eyes. I felt almost feral in my need for him. I leaned forward as far as I could, not caring that my hair pulled tighter in his fist, and sucked his bottom lip into my mouth before I bit it hard enough to draw blood.

We didn’t need any foreplay. The chase through the darkness of the trees had us both more than primed, my slick already dripping down my thighs.

He gave me no room to move, or think, or feel anything but him as he speared his cock up into me savagely, with a darkly possessive growl, making me see stars. I let his lip go and moaned long and loud, scratching my nails down his back as a blistering, dizzying wave of fullness spread trails of searing light through me.

His roar was deafening and spun through me as he snarled, “Mine,” again, like he was trying to imprint his claim on my very soul. Screaming it into the cosmos, across millennia, as we connected in the most carnal way.

“Ours,” came two rough voices from behind him, as Pala and Dio appeared in the dusky light filtering in from the cave entrance.

They moved in close, with eyes transfixed on me. They used their bodies, pressing in tight, to help Sam trap me in place, before they each put a hand on one of his shoulders. Sam almost seemed to vibrate briefly, before he growled darkly again and descended into a rut. He thrust into me wildly, stretching me almost obscenely and setting a wild, punishing pace that left no more room for thought or words.

It was a frantic and hedonistic mating. There was nothing civilized about what we were doing. I was completely on board for it. My omega was chanting, “Fuck yes,” in my head, but I could no longer get any words out beyond a strangled cry.

My body clenched around him as the friction of his thick cock pistoning in and out of me had those sparks from earlier igniting into an inferno. He was snarling and snapping; the sound making me spiral higher. The three alphas had me pinned in place by their bodies, surrounded and unable to move. Yet, instead of feeling trapped, I felt set free.

I submitted to them completely, mind and body. Letting go of even the concept of control. Just existing in a sea of sensation as I let him fill every part of me.