Page 35 of Knot Your Problem

Dio’s voice lightened as he talked about his family. I could hear the smile in it as I felt the vibrations against my cheek. There was clearly a lot of love there.

“Nobody talked about it openly,” he continued. “It felt normal. It was all I’d ever known. The winery wasn’t open to the public, so we had very few visitors. Our large extended family and the worker’s families were our entire social circle, and we were enough. We had a small school on the estate for all the kids. It was basically an online distance school, overseen by the mums, like a lot of rural kids do.

“I never questioned it until I got older and started going out into the world. My dad sat down and had a talk with me. Told me seriously to never mention my uncles and how close they were to us. That it could cause trouble for all of them if people found out and called them a pack.

“I was confused, and I didn’t get it, but I agreed. It wasn’t until later that I realized theywerea pack. But they had to hide their entire lives. Living in fear of being found out. Not even able to be open with their kids about it.”

Dio tensed a little, as if he was nervous about my reaction. He was trusting me with his family’s secret. I reached out and grabbed his hand where he had rested it over his heart while he was talking about his family. Gently encouraging him to keep talking. He relaxed again and pressed a kiss to my head.

“What I’m trying to say, in a long roundabout way, Lex, is I’m not afraid of being a pack, having that connection. What my family shared was beautiful, and it pains me they couldn’t live openly. They weren’t hurting anyone, and they definitely weren’t dangerous.

“Sam knows because he lived with my grandpa on the estate for a few years. So does our friend Pala. He’s been my best friend since childhood. His family worked on the estate. We all got the same talk before we left. We never really discussed why we were all so close and what it implied. Words are dangerous, even when you think you’re alone, especially in the military.

“But what you and I just shared, to me, it feels like Sam, at least, should be part of it. I know you don’t know him like I do and I know he can be hard to get to know. He’s so full of rage, but he has his reasons. He’d never hurt anyone, though, unless he was protecting someone else.

“I just, I need you to be open to getting to know him, and open to possibilities. The thought of watching one of my closest friends share your body and your heart brings me joy. Don’t write him off just yet, please.”

I’d been quiet while Dio talked, respecting what he was telling me and enjoying the feeling of being snuggled into him. Feeling how our bond grew as my feelings for him deepened.

“Thank you for trusting me with your secret,” I said, simply. That he would trust me with words he’d never uttered out of fear of betraying the people he loved meant the world to me.

I shrugged out of my blanket and let it fall to my side, needing to be open to him in every way right now. I slowly caressed his gorgeous, earnest face with both of my hands, stroking him gently.

“Your family sounds like a dream, Dio. Leif was the only shining light in my childhood. To have that shared connection with people I trust, a connection even stronger than family. Watching the way he and his mates are with Maia. I want that too. I never knew it was something I could even wish for.

“I’m not scared of Sam, even his rage, Dio. I kind of want to lick him when he gets all growly. Or maybe push a few of his buttons and watch him explode. I think angry sex with Sam would be hot as hell.”

Dio groaned and thrust up against me subtly, shifting me slightly so that my wet heat pushed up against his hard cock.

“I’ve been around a lot of angry guys. To be honest, I was worried when Sam first let his dominance slip this morning. But I can feel now that he isn’t the type to take it out on other people. He’d hurt himself before he would hurt anyone else. I can see that.”

I sighed, trying to figure out how to articulate what I really felt. “I don’t want to hurt Sam any more than you do, but he and I are both complicated people. With you, it felt like kismet the moment you stepped on that deck earlier. With Sam, our energies together are explosive. We’re going to have to figure each other out before we jump into anything, despite the pull. Does that make sense?”

“And Dave?” Dio asked.

I smiled at him, and the mischievous twinkle in his eye. I got the impression he liked to push people, but he did it so charmingly you didn’t even mind.

“Dave has my trust already,” I said, keeping it mysterious and vague for now.

“What about your other friend, Pala? Are you planning on inviting him into my harem, too?” I asked as I ran my hand down Dio’s shoulder to his chest and tweaked his nipple, hard.

“Ow,” he yelped, laughing. “Pala is definitely in, too.”

I tried to move my hand to his other nipple, but he caught my wrists and moved them over his shoulders to trap them between his head and the couch cushion. Before he ran his hands back down my arms and over my breasts slowly, circling my nipples so gently, I thrust my chest into his hands, needing more.

“Anyone else?” I asked as I started a slow grind on his hard cock. “Do you have any other open spots you’re looking to fill in this mythical pack you’re building?”

“You want more?” He asked, licking his lips.

I shook my head. “Right now, I just want you.”

“What my mate wants, she gets,” he said, as he flipped me onto my back on the couch and lifted my legs over his shoulder in a move so smooth I didn’t even have time to protest, not that I really wanted to, before he rammed into me.

I moaned loudly, clenching my toes and grabbing onto the couch cushions to stop myself from sliding up the couch. Dio set a furious pace while maintaining intense eye contact with me, seeming to grow more frenzied with every shudder and whimper I made. The ferocity of his need, contrasted with his usual gentle nature, had me mesmerized.

“Is this what you want?” He asked, panting and grunting with effort. “If not. I can stop, anytime.”

“Don’t you dare fucking stop, Dio. I, oh-”