Page 145 of Knot Your Problem

Several growly variations of, “You’re not going out alone,” and, “You need someone to go with you,” sounded off around me. I waved them all off. Maia and I could manage a walk in the forest without an escort. We’d take Bear in case we came across any wildlife.

“Oh my god, we’re saved,” Maia sighed dramatically as she rifled through the basket before she screwed the top off a large thermos and sniffed the contents. I couldn’t help but laugh at her as I pulled her arm to the side to get a deep lungful of it myself. “Stop hogging it.”

“You shouldn’t drink that now, though, Maia,” GG said as Maia took another large inhale of the scented steam coming out of the top.

“It smells divine, slightly more nutty than regular coffee, but still good. Why wouldn’t I drink it?”

“It doesn’t have any caffeine, but it’s not recommended for pregnant women. It’s still a stimulant and could cause bleeding,” GG said.

Everyone froze. I noticed the thermos slip in Maia’s hand and I grabbed it quickly before she spilt all the liquid gold inside.

“Excuse me? Uh, I’m not pregnant. Why would you think I’m pregnant?” Maia patted her flat tummy over the leggings and baggy cable-knitted jumper she was wearing. “I’m a little bloated from that espresso yesterday, but not that much.”

“You really shouldn’t be drinking espresso,” GG frowned at her, “and haven’t you noticed your scent has changed?”

All eyes swiveled to Maia.

“Fuck,” Damon growled. “Her scent changed at least two days ago.” He instantly started scanning the treeline as if he was looking for threats and a low warning growl started up in his chest that didn’t cut off.

“She was only in heat four or five days ago. Would changes happen that quickly?” I asked. I knew nothing about omega pregnancies, but that seemed fast.

“Omega biology is different to a beta. Pregnancy takes quickly and progresses faster, too. Her mates should have picked up on the scent change and instinctively started acting extra protective.”

“Well, that’s certainly been happening,” Sam said with a smirk.

“Shit, she’s going to need vitamins and stuff,” Hunter yelled, way louder than necessary. He started spinning and looking around as if he was going to find a chemist had suddenly popped up between the trees.

“I’ll get Luis. Meet me at the cabin,” Max yelled as he took off. I shook my head. He was supposed to be their calm center and not affected by alpha pheromones. Leif just straight out picked Maia up off the ground, then froze as if he didn’t want to jostle her.

“What are you doing?” Maia yelled at Leif.

“You can’t stand up. You’re pregnant,” he said, looking scandalized.

“Lexie, can you knock some sense into these guys? Please.” She looked over her shoulder at me, with big pleading eyes. I couldn’t do anything to help her, though. I was laughing too hard. Dio, Pala and Dave were all standing behind me, looking bewildered.

GG came to her rescue, stalking up to the guys and issuing orders.

“Leif, put her down, exercise is good for her.” Leif put Maia down, but he looked reluctant about it and hovered over her protectively.

“Hunter, nature has been providing everything she’s going to need for thousands of years. You don’t need anything from a bottle. We’ll gather everything she needs from around the farm.” Hunter seemed chastened but unconvinced.

“Damon, stop growling. Nothing is in those trees that wasn’t there five minutes ago. Take her back to your cabin for now if it will make you feel better until you all calm down. But if you try and keep her stuffed away in there, you’ll do more harm than good. She needs fresh air.”

Damon looked away from the trees, but kept glancing back, and his growl refused to cut-off.

GG looked in the direction Max had gone, then let out a long-suffering sigh. “Get Luis to look at her if you must, but all he’ll be able to tell you is she’s not giving birth to a goat. Now go, the lot of you, before you freak out everyone coming down looking for food. I’ll meet you at your cabin in a few minutes.”

Leif immediately picked Maia up again and walked off as GG rolled her eyes and Dave made sure Hunter took the basket of food so Maia would have something to eat.

Maia called out over Leif’s shoulder. “Wait, the phone call with Ava. Don’t you dare call her without me, Lexie. I’ll titty twist you so hard.”

“Go, I’ve got Ava covered. I’ll bring the phone to you.”

Maia made pinchey fingers over Leif’s shoulder at me. I laughed as I covered my boobs, again, even though she was headed away from me.

“Can I get in on that titty twisting action?” Dio asked, putting his hands over mine.

GG turned and swatted him. “Manners, boy.”