Page 53 of Deception

Because the truth was I loved him. Seeing him again made that clear. And I’d do anything to keep him safe.

“You told Gunner where I was. Do you have any idea what he’ll do to me? I betrayed him. I broke his trust. And I promised to stay away.”

“He has the same goal as you. He’ll help you.”

Lucius let out a resigned laugh. “Santino was wrong to bring you here.”

My anger rose, and with it my voice. “You asked me to trust you. So why can’t you give me the same in return?”

“You have no idea what you’ve done.”

I threw up my hands in frustration. “If you’d talk to me for once, I’d understand what’s happening.”

“It’s not your problem to deal with.”

I suppressed the urge to growl at him. “Everything to do with you is my problem.” I nearly tacked on a “because I love you.” But this was neither the time nor the place.

Another knock sounded at the door. “He’s here.”

Lucius’s shoulders straightened, and he walked out of the room with his head held high. I followed, looking anything but composed. Gunner was standing at the front of a large group, his feet wide, his arms crossed. Has he brought every last one of his men with him?

Lucius didn’t back down; instead he walked right up to him. “Gunner.”

Gunner tilted his head as if studying him. “You look like shit.”

Lucius released a dry laugh. “You look like you put on a few pounds.”

“I told you what would happen if you ever came back here.”

Lucius squared his shoulders, bracing. “You did. But I have to do this. For Sam. He was my friend as much as he was yours and he deserves to get justice.”

Without warning, Gunner punched Lucius so hard he doubled over.

I screamed, leaping forward. Santino caught me before I could throw myself between them. “They have to sort this out themselves.”

For whatever reason, Lucius didn’t throw a punch. If he didn’t defend himself soon, I’d be the one punching Gunner. Surely, Freya would understand.

Gunner seemed satisfied with the hit he’d gotten in, clapping Lucius on the back. “We go in together. Get ready to head out in five minutes.”

Nodding, Lucius turned, and I gasped at the sight. He had a cut on his cheekbone, and what would soon turn into a black eye.

When I stepped closer, he held up his hand. “I can’t do this right now.”

He went back into the room, strapping on his guns and vest, double-checking everything, then checking it again. Without another glance my way, he headed out. Santino followed, and a few minutes later, the motel parking lot was as empty as when I’d first arrived.

I stood in the doorframe, wondering if I’d made the right decision calling Gunner or if I’d destroyed any future I might have had with Lucius.



I sat in the back seat between Carter and Dalton. Gunner was in the passenger seat, and Devon was driving. It was good to be back. If only for tonight. Santino had refused to let me go without him and was in the car behind us.

Images of Everleigh’s hurt face when I left kept entering my thoughts. I understood why she called Gunner. And if I was honest with myself, it was the right decision. But I had a hard time letting go of the sense of betrayal I felt when I found out. Because she’d gone behind my back.

Being apart from her these last few weeks had been a study in self-restraint. Of stopping myself from dropping everything and leaving. Of stopping myself from calling her. Of not obsessing over what she was doing.

She and Sofie were the two most precious things to me. Staying away from them for so long had been the hardest thing I’d ever done. I still hadn’t talked to Sofie since coming back to the States. After messaging Carter when I first arrived, we decided to wait until we were sure nothing from Guyana had followed me.