Page 43 of Deception

I flopped my head back on the couch with a groan and closed my eyes. I wasn’t great at sitting still. The need to do something was overwhelming.

Maybe I’d leave tomorrow. What difference would a couple days make? If I was gone, they wouldn’t have to spare one of their guys to look after me. I was sure they had more important things to do.

Carter came back in, typing on his phone, a crease between his eyes.

“Problems?” I asked.

He looked at me as if he’d forgotten I was there. He probably had. “I think we might have a lock on Lucius. But we can’t get into any of their accounts.”

“Not sure if it’s helpful, but I did their books for a while. I can remember every account number and access code.”

Carter’s mouth dropped open, and he blinked at me. He started to say something, then stopped, blinking at me some more. Eventually, he narrowed his eyes. “And you didn’t think to mention this sooner?”

I shrugged, putting my book down. “You didn’t ask. And if I remember correctly, you guys said you’d handle it and asked me to stay out of the way. So I did.”

“Women,” he grumbled, then put his phone back to his ear. “Me again. I’ll bring Everleigh in. She has all the account numbers and can access them.”

Carter listened to whatever the other person said, then grunted. “How would I know? Nobody, and I mean nobody, will ever understand what’s going on in a woman’s head. Says she’s fine? That could mean eighty-six different things, from ‘I’m sleepy’ to ‘fuck off.’ She says she doesn’t care that you’re still friends with your ex. Next day, she moves all her stuff out.”

The person on the other end cut off his tirade and, after a few more grunts from Carter, they hung up.

He handed me my jacket. “Let’s go.”

“I take it we’re going to the office?”

“Correct. And we could have saved ourselves a lot of work if you’d told us you have the account numbers in the first place. Why didn’t you give them to Gunner with the hard drive and phone?”

I climbed into the high cab of his truck and sank into the seat. “As I said, you didn’t ask.”

Carter nodded. “At least that explains why they didn’t sell you.”

“Lucius wouldn’t have let them.”

He eyed me while he was waiting at a red light. “You sure about that?”

I glared back at him, standing my ground. I hardly ever stood up for myself, but nobody talked shit about Lucius. “I am. He’s the best man I know.”

“You do know why he was in Guyana in the first place, don’t you?”

“It doesn’t matter to me. All that matters are his actions when we were together. Did you know he jumped off a cliff after me and saved my life?”

Carter kept driving. “I didn’t. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a traitor. He sold us out.”

My breath hitched, and I sat up ramrod straight. “I’m sure he had a good reason for what he did.”

He stilled for a few seconds. “They took his daughter. But instead of telling us, he gave the people who kidnapped Sofie information. And that information nearly got Freya and Gunner killed.”

I cleared my throat, the little morsel he’d shared sitting uncomfortably in my stomach. Not only had Lucius done something bad, but Carter also confirmed that Sofie was his daughter. “Instead of condemning him, put yourself in his shoes for a moment. What would you do if faced with a decision like that?”

“I trust my team. He didn’t.”

I guessed for some guys it was as easy as that. But when those you loved the most were in danger, a level head and logical thinking took a back seat. I was the best example of that.

“What was on the hard drive?” My question threw Carter for a moment. I’d never asked after the phone or hard drive since handing it over. But I was thinking they were more important than they let on.

“Information on crime syndicates and cartels around South America. It also held the locations of people who had gone missing.”

“Missing people?” My voice pitched high.