Page 4 of Riding Hard

“Owen,” she breathed. “I’d go stay with my sister, but she has a toddler, and my boss knows where she lives too. In fact, I need to make sure that she’s okay.”

“Oh, well, I’m honored,” he said feeling quite victorious.

“Don’t be,” Tilly warned. “You seem to be the lesser of two evils. Honestly, I just Eeny, meeny, miny, moed in my head and you won.” He didn’t feel like a winner after her admission.

“Um, thanks,” Owen mumbled.

“Well, on that note, I’m going to hit the road.” Maverick was going to go home and pout, Owen just knew it. That’s usually how things played out when he didn’t get his way—he sulked. “The cops were here earlier to check in on you and said that they’d be back here later,” Mav said. “Have Owen text me your sister’s address and I’ll stop by to check on her and let her know that you’re in the hospital. I’m betting she hasn’t gotten word yet.”

“Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate you stopping by Melody’s place to let her know what happened to me. I’m going to get some rest until the cops get here,” Tilly said. Her eyes were closed before Maverick even made it to the door. Owen knew that she had to be in pain and rest would be the best thing for her.

He followed Maverick into the hallway and made sure that the door was closed before stopping his brother from getting onto the elevator. “You really going to stop by her sister’s place to check in on her and let her know what happened to Tilly?”

“Yep,” Mav said. His brother usually resorted to one-syllable words when he was pissed off.

“Don’t be a sore loser,” Owen said.

“I’m not a fucking sore loser,” Maverick said. He sighed as if realizing that he sounded exactly like a sore loser. “Listen, I have to get up early to head to work.” His brother owned a bike shop and was one of the best mechanics that Owen knew and when their mother died, he started up his own shop to help bring in some extra cash to help pay the bills their mom left behind. Steel had already joined the Navy, shortly after their mother passed, and Maverick took care of Owen and things back at home. His brother never complained about not being able to take off and do what he wanted. He took responsibility for Owen and got him through his last year of high school. If there was one thing that Owen knew it was that he could always count on his big brother. Mav was one of a kind.

“I didn’t mean it, man,” Owen said. “Listen, thanks for checking in on Tilly’s sister. Will you text me to let me know that she’s okay? I’ll let Tilly know.”

“And you’ll be able to play the hero, delivering the good news?” Maverick asked.

“It’s not like that,” Owen said.

“Are you still claiming that you don’t like her?” Mav asked.

“No,” Owen said, “yes,” he corrected. “Fuck, I don’t know. I just know that I feel bad for what happened to her, and I want to help her. I’m not trying to play the hero.”

“If you say so,” Maverick grumbled, stepping onto the elevator after the doors opened. “I’ll be in touch.” His brother smirked as he waved back at him as the doors closed. Owen grumbled that his older brother was an ass as he walked back into the room to find Tilly sound asleep. He hated doing it, but he needed her sister’s information to text Maverick. Then, he planned on letting her get some rest while he filled in the cops about her asshole boss being the one who attacked her at the bar. Maybe they’d be able to put the fucker in jail and Tilly would actually be able to relax and recover.

“Tilly,” he whispered. She moaned and rolled away from him. “Tilly, I need your sister’s information.” She grumbled something about him being persistent and honestly, she had no idea how persistent he could be.

“I’m sorry that I have to wake you, but Maverick just left and wants to stop by your sister’s place on his way home,” Owen explained.

“Oh, that’s nice of him,” she said. She rambled off her sister’s information as he texted it to Mav.

“He has his moments, but my brother’s a good guy. I’m sure that he’ll check in on your sister and let her know what’s happening with you,” Owen assured.

“Well, I appreciate both of you helping me out. I’m sorry that you have to do all of this for me just because my boss decided to be a jerk,” she said.

“I wouldn’t call robbing you in the ladies’ room and giving you a concussion, him being a jerk,” Owen said. “Why would he do that to you anyway? What was in that purse that he had to knock you out to take it from you?”

“It’s a long story,” she said.

“Well, if you’re up to telling it, I have nowhere to go,” Owen said. He sat down in the chair next to her bedside and waited her out.

“I work for an investment firm and Nate is my boss. I’m his personal assistant and well, I knew he was up to no good, I just had no idea what it was. That’s why I took the hard drive off his desk and shoved it into my purse. I was sitting at the bar tonight trying to figure out my next move—you know, what I should do with the hard drive and if I should question my boss directly. I guess I got my answer when I found him standing in the ladies’ room.”

“Do you know what was on the hard drive?” Owen asked. It had to be pretty bad if the guy was willing to steal it back and hurt his assistant in the process.

“I didn’t get a chance to look at it,” she admitted. “I was sitting at that bar, trying to figure out what to do with the hard drive when you asked to buy me a drink,” she said. “I wasn’t sure if I should turn it over to the police without knowing what was on it. Honestly, I was going to go home and look at it when I got done in the bathroom, but Nate found me in there. He said that he knew that sooner or later, I’d figure it all out and he put a tracker on my car.”

“I’ll have Mav run over to look at your car and remove the tracker,” he offered. “He owns an auto body shop and I’m sure that he won’t mind keeping it there for the time being.”

“I appreciate that,” she said. “You both are going to a lot of trouble for someone you don’t really know. I won’t ever be able to pay either of you back.”

“There is no need to pay us back. Listen, we’re not here for paybacks, thanks, or anything else. We just want to help you out. Your boss sounds like an ass and bringing him down will be enough thanks for both of us.”