Page 18 of Riding Hard

“You did not,” Owen challenged. “Listen, we can argue about who was right and who was wrong later. Right now, we need to figure out what the fuck is going on. I need to get back to Tilly.”

“You left her alone?” Mace asked.

“I did,” Owen said. “I’ve done it before when we had church. I didn’t think that it was a big deal.”

“Shit, I’ll send a couple of guys over there to check on her while we figure this all out,” he offered.

“No,” Owen almost shouted. “If we were called here tonight, then some of the guys might be in on this. We can’t take the chance that we’re sending in someone who might want to hurt Tilly. She’s safe. I’ve got great security and she’d reach out if anything seemed out of place.”

“All right let’s go in and find out what this meeting is all about then,” Mace ordered. “I some of my guys have double-crossed us, heads will roll.” They followed their Prez into the back of the bar and found the place eerily quiet. The bar was usually crazy with guys drinking and carrying on, but tonight, there seemed to be none of that going on.

“Is anyone else even here?” Mav whispered.

“Not many guys showed up tonight,” Mace admitted, “that’s why I was surprised to see you two here.” They walked into the bar and flicked on the lights. The place was dark, and they hadn’t even seen the four guys sitting in the corner.

“Took you long enough,” Jagger grumbled. “Gunner and I were beginning to take bets on whether or not you’d even show. I see you brought back up.” He looked Maverick over as he tried to step in front of Owen.

“This is my fight,” Owen insisted, trying to shove his brother out of the way, but he should have known better.

“I told you that I’d have your back and I meant it, man,” Mav reminded.

“Same goes for me,” Mace added. “What the fuck is going on guys?” he asked.

Jagger stood from the chair in the corner and walked across the room. “Well, you see, we’ve been planning this little meeting for a while now. We just had to make sure that none of the other guys got in the way. And well, Tuesdays are slow around here, so we picked tonight. We just never thought you both would show up or that you’d be here Mace. That part is unfortunate, but we’ll just have to wing it.”

“So, you’ve been working with Nate this whole time?” Owen asked, trying to put the pieces together.

“Actually, he works for us,” Jagger bragged. “I guess we could be considered his silent partners, but we’re calling the shots.” Gunner barked out his laugh, joining Jag in the middle of the empty barroom.

“Pun intended,” Gunner said. Owen felt his blood run cold as he suddenly pieced the rest of the puzzle together. They had called him into the bar to get Tilly alone and he had a feeling that even with his state-of-the-art security system, she wasn’t going to be as safe as he wanted.

“Who are they?” Mace asked, nodding to the two guys still sitting in the corner of the room.

They were the new guys in the club. Both Jag and Gunner had patched over from a sister club a few months ago. He should have known that they were bad news, but the two seemed to steer clear of the rest of the guys. The other two guys were new. Owen had never seen either of them before.

“They aren’t important,” Gunner insisted. “In fact, the only two people you need to be thinking about right now are those two,” he said, nodding to both Owen and Maverick.

“I know those two,” Mace growled.

“Yeah, but now, you need to decide if knowing those two is worth your life. You see, we can’t let them walk out of here alive, and killing you wasn’t part of the plan, but we will if we have to,” he quickly added.

Mace’s laugh was mean and Owen worried that if they all lost their tempers, none of them might make it out of this mess alive, and that wasn’t an option for him since he wanted to get back home to make sure that Tilly was all right. “Let’s just talk this through,” he said. He knew that he and his brother were carrying, but then again, he was positive that the four guys staring them down right now were too. “We don’t have to do anything rash.”

“Ahh, the voice of reason,” Jagger challenged. “But you see, your girlfriend went and got involved in something that she shouldn’t have been. She went snooping around her boss’s office and found a hard drive linking us to him and his company. We were using it as a front to launder money. Once she saw what was on that drive, all bets were off. We were just waiting for her to give herself up, and when we were finally able to locate her, we just needed to get you and big bro here to walk away and give us our chance to take her out.”

“Who did you send?” Owen barked.

Jagger laughed again and it was taking all his willpower not to launch himself at him and take him down. That would do him no good because the other three guys were chomping at the bit to get their hands on him next. “Well, I guess I can tell you. I mean, it really doesn’t matter now that you’re here. You two won’t be seeing each other again. I hope you were able to say a proper goodbye to your woman before you left home tonight,” Jagger taunted. Now, Owen was just plan ready to fucking murder the guy.

“Who did you send?” he repeated.

“I sent over our not-so-silent partner, Nate. You see, he was supposed to come in here and take care of that bitch the night he attacked her and ran off like a pussy through the ladies’ room window. He fucked things up royally that night and left us with a lot of messy loose ends. But we’re going to fix all of that tonight. Nate’s going to clean up his mistakes and we’re going to take care of you two. I guess I just need to know where you stand in all this, Mace. You with them or us?” he asked.

“Them,” Mace growled without hesitation. “I’d never back a fuck up like you, Jagger. I should have known that you were an ass from day one, but your other club vouched for you when you patched over. Was this always the plan? Did you join the Road Reapers just to get to Owen and Mav?” Owen could hear the hurt in his Prez’s voice when he asked his question and God, that made him feel bad. He already knew the guys’ answer and it pissed him off that Jag and Gunner had used the Reapers just to get to him.

“They were here the night that Tilly came in here looking for a place to hide out,” Maverick said. “I remember seeing them watching her and wondering if they were going to make a play for her too.”

“Yeah, we weren’t really interested in her. We had just followed her here after Nate let us know that she had stolen his hard drive. He had her car tagged and finding her wasn’t really an issue. Plus, we fit right into places like this. Once we realized that Nate fucked up, we inquired about joining your little club. Our glowing recommendations were faked for our patch over and well, here we are.”