He didn’t loosen the grip on her hand at all, because he really didn’t want her to pull her fingers away. Of course, if she tugged, he’d let go.

But he didn’t want to.

Chapter 11

Norma Jean didn’t feelany better the next day when she arrived two hours early for work.

Perhaps her early arrival time had something to do with the fact that she knew that Peter was in the hospital right now because of her.

She hadn’t been able to sleep at all and knew she looked terrible this morning. Hopefully no one showed up at the office and wanted anything.

She had barely gotten that thought out of her head as she stood at her desk, tapping her fingers on it and trying to decide what to do, when there was a sound at the door before a little girl ran into the room, followed by Miles.

“Hey! You’re pretty. What’s your name?” the little girl said before Norma Jean could recover from the shock.

Miles did not look like the type of guy who would have a cute little girl with two little pigtails bouncing behind her running around beside him.

“I’m Norma Jean.”

“You can call her Miss Norma Jean,” Miles said immediately after she spoke her name.

The little girl looked at her daddy, gave him an angelic grin, batted her big brown eyes at him, and then looked back at Norma Jean. “Miss Norma Jean, my name’s Holly.” Holly continued over to her, her little hand held out, her other hand behind her back like she was going to the showcase showdown.

Norma Jean hardly thought Holly was old enough to know what a showcase showdown was, and in fact, Norma Jean figured that probably wasn’t something anyone of her generation should know either. But she’d spent enough time with Sally watching TV while she was caring for her Aunt Wilma that the showcase showdown was pretty much etched into her brain.

Regardless, she took the little hand, bent over a bit, and shook very seriously.

“Very nice to meet you, Miss Holly.” Norma Jean’s heart melted at the little girl’s sweet expression contrasted with the serious way she shook her hand. “I haven’t seen you around before.”

“I’m here sometimes.”

Miles explained, “Normally when my ex doesn’t show up to get Holly, I don’t come in to work. But considering what happened yesterday, I knew I couldn’t do that today.”

“Oh my goodness. I’m so glad you came. I have no idea what to do,” Norma Jean said with her hand at her chest.

Miles didn’t even crack a smile. That made Norma Jean all the more determined to get him to give her one.