“All right. Between nine and noon is a good time for them to show up then.”

“That’s right. I can put them right to work. They won’t have to worry about being bored.”

“Okay then. You are coming tonight, right?” Eleanor said, injecting into their conversation now that they had the accountant thing settled.

“No. Last time I went to one of those shindigs, I almost ended up getting hitched. In fact, Franklin did.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” Eleanor said with her brows way up and lowering her head, like a charging bull, although not exactly. But Peter knew the look.

“No. That’s a great thing. Excellent. Really. Probably the best thing that ever happened to him.” He said it in a fake sarcastic voice, and Eleanor laughed.

“Good answers. Good, good answers.”

“I have great survival instincts.”

“He had to, growing up with me,” Franklin said, and Eleanor laughed again, putting her hand on his arm and looking up into his eyes.

It was a sweet moment, but it made Peter uncomfortable. Not in a they’re being too affectionate kind of way. But more a I wish I had someone to look at me like that kind of way.

He looked away.

“I think you’ll want to come. I think you’ll have a good time, and there’s going to be good food there. Which is why I’m going,” Eleanor said, bringing him back to the subject they were talking about.

He looked over at the wide expanse of blue sky and the slice of lake they could see around the edge of the inn. He loved his town, happy that God had seen fit to move both him and Franklin to Strawberry Sands. It had been a good move. But he didn’t want to be matched up with just anyone. And he had a hunch that if he went tonight, Norma Jean would be trying to figure out how she could trap him again.

“I understand there’s going to be dancing,” Franklin said, as though that would convince him.

“Yeah. Sally told me there was going to be, and if Norma Jean is in the band, she’ll be providing music, and... Sally will probably be looking for a partner since she usually hangs out with Norma Jean at those things, but since Norma Jean’s going to be busy playing, Sally would probably appreciate having someone to hang out with.”

Well, of course that made Peter’s ears perk up. If Norma Jean was in the band, she wouldn’t be chasing him around the floor, trying to get a hold of him and take him off somewhere.

Sally. You could be dancing with her.

“All right. Maybe I’ll go.”

Chapter 3