“Maybe you’re saying that because I don’t gloat when I beat you, and quite soundly,” she said as she jumped her last marble into the last spot.

His were still scattered all over the board, and she lifted her brows, looking first at the board and then at him.

“Man. How do you do that?”

“You know what? I just realized you were giving that compliment because you were trying to take my attention off the game so that you could try to win.”

“That was my entire strategy. Busted.”

They laughed together as they cleaned up the board, and then she put the game away as he slowly made his way over to the recliner where he normally took his rest.

She knew he was frustrated with how slowly time was going by, that he was stuck in the house not doing anything while Miles was out doing most of the work.

She appreciated the fact that he wasn’t grumpy and sour about it.

Maybe she should have told him. Maybe she should return the compliment when he gave her one. Next time, she would do better. Or maybe she’d compliment him first. She smiled at the thought.

Chapter 16

“So I’m getting thecast off today, right, doc?” Peter sat on the edge of the chair, uncomfortable. The way most of his life had been since his accident. It was difficult to find any position that wasn’t awkward with such a huge cast on his leg.

“Unfortunately,” the doctor began, and Peter’s heart dropped.

He had come into this appointment with all the optimism in the world. The cast had been on for four weeks. At two weeks he hadn’t expected to have the doctor say that he was healed. But four weeks? He’d always been quick to recover. He didn’t see why it should be any different now.

“No. I had considered going with a smaller cast, to give you more mobility. But I think we need to keep this bigger one on, and continue to restrict your movements. That will allow the bone a little more time to fuse together.”

“You’re kidding.” Peter’s words came out in a whisper. He didn’t want the doctor to see how upset he was, but it was hard to hide. Sally had been doing an excellent job of taking care of him, and he’d been finding himself thinking about her more and more. And he thought she felt the same way about him. But he didn’t want to move forward in their relationship, not as long as he couldn’t even go out and feed the dog without help. It was all he could do to get himself to the restroom. He didn’t want to pursue a relationship when he was so incompetent.

“No. Unfortunately I’m not. When you’re a child, your bones are growing, and a broken bone often doesn’t take long at all to heal. But, as an adult, bone growth slows, and healing takes more time.”

The doctor didn’t look like he was done speaking, and Peter didn’t say anything. Not that he wanted to. What more was there to say? The doctor couldn’t make his bones grow any faster.

“With your concussion, and now the broken leg, this is going to change your life.”

“How so?” Peter asked, wondering if there was more bad news.