“It’s a deal,” she said, holding out her hand.

“Sorry. It hardly seems fair that you’re the only one waiting. So, if you wait, I will too.”

She hadn’t been expecting that, and she could hardly contain herself. She didn’t have to worry about him finding some other girl who was better than she was. He just said he would wait for her.

“All right. It’s a bet.” She gave him a triumphant look as she held her hand out, and he took it and they shook.

In four years, if she could wait that long, Rodney, the boy who had saved her, would kiss her.

Four years seemed like forever.

Chapter 15

“Ican’t believe youlike this game,” Peter grumbled as he stared at the board of Chinese checkers. They each played three colors, and the middle of the board was packed solid.

“I love it. There’s so much strategy.” Sally knew her words were going to irritate him, not in a bad way, just in a fake grumble kind of way. And he didn’t disappoint her.

“How can you have a strategy? There aren’t any ways to move. There are no jumps, all you can do is move one marble one spot, and by the time I’m ready to jump it, you’ll have one of your marbles in the spot I opened up!”

“And I don’t see how that’s a bad thing,” Sally teased.

Peter had been doing well over the past two weeks, and they’d gotten into the habit of playing games in the afternoon after lunch, before he took a nap.

He didn’t actually say that he was going to nap, but she would pretend to stand up and stretch and be tired and she would go over and sit down on the couch, and he would sit down on the recliner, and two minutes later, he’d be snoring.

It had become very normal.

But first, she had to beat him in Chinese checkers, which she had been doing on a regular basis since they started playing the day after he came home from the hospital.

“You know, if we keep doing this, I’m going to beat you someday.”

“All right,” she said.

“You don’t have to be so agreeable.”

“You say that at least seventy times a day. You know, you don’t have to tell me that all the time.”