“Don’t be so sure about that. You know, sometimes the Lord works in mysterious ways. That doesn’t mean that we can’t help things along a little,” Lana said with a chuckle in her voice. After all, that’s exactly what they were just doing. Helping the Lord along by trying to figure out someone else for Norma Jean to fall in love with.

“I tried the matchmaking thing once, and it ended up backfiring.”

“If you’re talking about accidentally locking Eleanor and Franklin in the shack together, I clearly think that worked out perfectly. After all, they’re married and very happily by the looks of things. I think you did a pretty excellent job there if I do say so myself.”

Sally laughed. She hadn’t come any closer to figuring anything out except she was probably right about giving up what she wanted for her friend. That made her feel a little better, and she wasn’t quite as despondent as she’d been. After all, God promised to reward those who obeyed Him, and she had certainly obeyed Him by giving more than was required.

“All right, I suppose I’d better head on down the beach. I promised someone I would go see them today, and I want to keep my word. If I think of anyone who would be good for Norma Jean, I’ll let you know.”

“Thanks. Do you want me to walk with you?” Sally asked.

“You can if you want to, but I’m fine, I do this four or five times a week. It’s good exercise for me, just getting out and feeling the wind on my face and seeing the lake and the sky and just all of God’s creation. It gives me a good reset in my head.”

“Yeah. I guess that’s what I’m doing right now.”

Lana waved and walked off, and she turned her face back toward the lake.

Whether she should try to manipulate the situation and find someone else for Norma Jean, or whether she should just look for another job and let it all go, trusting God to work things out, she wasn’t sure. Actually, when she put it like that, it was obvious that she should just trust God to work things out.

Although, maybe He was going to work things out by finding someone else for Norma Jean to fall in love with, and He wanted her to help Him with that.

She laughed at herself and the way she would do almost anything to make what she thought God wanted line up with what she wanted.

Chapter 8

Norma Jean strode fromthe desk to the window and then moved to another window. She did that the whole way around the room, until she came back to the window she started with.

Nothing. There was no one outside in any direction that she could see. Just fenced pasture with big ugly cows in them.

Peter was nowhere around. He hadn’t been around much since the first day he hired her, and she’d been working eight hours a day, five days a week for two weeks now.

It’s Friday, and he left her paycheck on her desk. It was there when she walked in that morning.

She had thought that she’d at least see him when he handed it to her. That’s why she checked the box that she wanted a paper check rather than direct deposit.

But it felt like he’d outsmarted her.