Page 38 of There I Find Wisdom

That might have been okay too, except her leg was going back, their feet got tangled, and they both ended up on the sand with her a little bit on top of him.

“You’re a little heavier than you used to be,” he said.

“I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to get mad when some fella says something like that to me.”

“You’re not going to get mad. You never do.”

He was right. She got her feelings hurt sometimes, but she never got mad. Not at Ryan. And typically not at much else. She didn’t know why, she just didn’t have a temper.

She had other issues, like anxiety, lack of trust in the Lord, and a weakness for a man with deep blue eyes and the ability to set her heart racing with just a look.

“Maybe I started,” she said, forgetting for a moment that she had two girls who were a hundred yards down the beach waiting for her to put a kite in the air and expecting her to get up.

His arms went around her, and his fingers touched the small of her back, moving just a little, enough to let her know that they were there.

She was tempted to run her hands through his hair, to touch the stubble on his face, to lower her head toward his.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you.”

“Not only does she not get mad, she apologizes when it was my fault.”

“Well, you aren’t apologizing, and I figured that one of us should.”

“Always wanting to get along.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“No. There’s not. I actually admire it. Sometimes I’m too eager to fight, more eager to make sure the other person knows that they’re wrong than I am to extend grace. You’ve always been a good influence on me in that way.”

“Maybe I’m not like that anymore.”

“I don’t really see how you’ve changed at all, except maybe to get better.” His voice dropped on those last few words, and it made her stomach tingle and the hairs on her neck curl.

She hated that she had that reaction, but she also loved it at the same time if that was possible.

“Dakota, I—”
