Page 23 of There I Find Wisdom

“You put me ahead of you.” He should have known. That was the way Dakota always was. She thought ahead and made decisions based on what was right. She had been wise. He had been the foolish one. Although, if he had known that she was pregnant with his child, he... What would he have done? Would he have given up the other championships?

He didn’t have to make the decision. Dakota had taken it off his shoulders. She had made the decision for him.

“You made the sacrifice so that I could win championships.”

“Yeah. Look at you. You wouldn’t have three championships if I had made a different decision that day.”

Chapter 9

Dakota looked down, but her hands continued to be perched on her hips, her stance combative.

“Any other questions?” she asked Ryan, lifting her chin and sounding disinterested. Like she didn’t have any emotions involved, when he knew that was not true.

“You had two girls with you yesterday. Is one of those mine?”

“Maddie, the eight-year-old.” One side of her mouth pulled back like she didn’t really want to divulge that.

“I have a daughter. Maddie.”

He couldn’t help but smile. She had named her after one of their favorite horses. He met her eyes, and he could see that she realized he knew. She looked away before he saw her smile.

“I can’t be mad at you for not telling me.”


“Did Gregory know?” He didn’t know where that question came from, but it seemed like a good one.

“No. There were a lot of secrets in our marriage, and that was one of them. Some of the others were the girlfriends he had, ones I didn’t know about.”

“Gregory’s a jerk,” he muttered.


“Is he paying child support?”

“No. I was afraid he would demand a paternity test, and obviously one of my daughters would have found out something they don’t know. I... I know he was my husband and it was wrong of me to marry him without him knowing who the father of my child was, but I couldn’t let that out, because you—”