Yeah, that was nice.No one ever asked abouthispassions.

“A man who owns a gazillion dollar jewelry empireandis not married with kids. A man who is forty feet away and hinted earlier that he’s pretty lonely tonight as well.”

All glaring red flags.

“Now, get your hot ass over there.”

Hugo chuckled while he waited near the bar for his customer’s glass of Foragers. “I think your standards might be a tad too high, Spencer. You mean to tell me eventhatguy’s not good enough? Dude, what is your deal?”

Spencer ignored him. Money didn’t make a man amazing. His healed heart was living proof of that.

He gave a few more instructions to his assistant, Lyndon, letting him know they were about to pull out their best material.

Spencer figured he might as well make the most of this situation. It was a shame he’d liked Cole a lot more when he thought he was simply an overzealous manager at a jewelry store.

Spencer took a deep breath to shake off the nerves and to get himself into character.I can do this.A platinum membership will be a much-needed commission.

He slid his mask on and prepared for his performance.

Most servers approached their customers with their assistants trailing close behind them. He and Lyndon preferred a more subtle dance. A tango, but not as aggressive. Spencer overheard Mr. Burbank complaining about the lack of service before he got to his seat.

“Good things come to those who wait, Cole,” Spencer rebutted.

Cole turned and graced him with a beautiful, surprised smile.

Spencer tried not to react, butshit.Come on, get it together.He needed to remain impassive and treat Mr. Jewelry Tycoon like all the other—usually closeted—men who frequented Sergio’s.

Men who gawked at Spencer’s body half the night before they were able to go home and suffer through making love to their wives.

Cole’s eyes shone with something different—devoid of the typical haughtiness that Spencer despised. Most men there wanted the fantasy of feeling powerful, and Spencer was damn good at providing that… without compromising his morals.

“I take it from that beautiful smile that you didn’t know I worked here.”

Spencer sauntered around the sofa and perched himself on Cole’s armrest.

“No, I didn’t know, but I won’t say I’m disappointed.”

Cole’s appraisal was bold and hungry.

“I didn’t think I’d see you again. I don’t believe in fate, but I’m beginning to.”

Spencer smiled. “Perhaps it’s serendipitous.”

“You can call it whatever the hell you want,” Cole said, his voice low and only for him. “All I know is it’s been a stressful-ass day… and it’s just starting to get better.”

Gerald’s raspy chuckle pulled Spencer’s attention away from Cole’s handsome face.

Shit, he had two customers, not one.

Spencer kind of wanted to keep up the flirty banter.What could it hurt?Acting with Cole was more entertaining than he thought.

Cole Burbank was charming and funny, but he could also be awkward in an appealing way. Cole seemed young to be a Burbank—Spencer had assumed that all of those millionaire executives running that company were old-timers.

He slid one hand into his pocket and made a discreet gesture with the other, a signal only Lyndon would respond to.

“Why don’t you tell me why your day was so stressful.” Spencer lowered his voice. “And I’ll see what I can do to make it better.”

“I like the sound of that,” Cole answered.