“Trust me. Sergio’s Cigar Lounge is the perfect club for you.”

“I won’t turn that down,” Cole agreed.

Besides, there was no need for him to rush back to an empty suite.

“Wow, pretty nice.” Cole took in the immaculate entrance.

An attendant in the lobby offered Cole a sweet smile while he helped him out of his overcoat.

They were shown to a secluded area and told to make themselves comfortable. The oversized leather love seat was positioned close to an ancient-style stone fireplace, so he didn’t need his jacket. To his side was a chestnut coffee table with a single lit votive candle in a crystal holder sitting in the center.

One minute in and he was already impressed with the ambience.

Gerald sat in a tufted, high-back chair across from him. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat because he knew he’d hit the nail on the head with this lounge.

They were soon approached by a young man wearing a crisp white shirt, black bow tie, and a dazzling smile. With his one arm tucked behind his back, he presented his tray of warm hand-sanitizing cloths.

“If you like, sirs.” The attendant’s voice was quiet but strong enough to be heard over the mellow Christmas jazz being played on the grand piano in the corner of the room.

He and Gerald both wiped their palms, then placed the cloth back on the tray.

“I’m surprised this place is open tonight.” Cole surveyed the well-stocked bar.

“I was surprised to get the email from my assistant.” Gerald nodded toward a couple of men sitting close on a couch a few feet away. “If anyone knows how to help a man de-stress after a long day, it’s Sergio.”

Cole raised a brow at the men in business suits sittingveryclose together. They were turned toward each other, appearing engrossed in a deep conversation.

A server in designer slacks and a sheer, collared shirt held together by a single button approached the men, interrupting their conversation. He ran his palm seductively along the back of the couch, stealing the couple’s attention.

It was understandable—he looked unlike any waiter Cole had ever seen.

The men leered in invitation, sipping the last of their drinks.

The sexy waiter reached his hand through the inch of space the men had between them and took their empty glasses from their hands.

He turned and placed it on a tray being held by a silent man standing behind him, perhaps his assistant.

Cole reclined against the supple leather with his leg crossed in a figure-four. He scanned the room, not staring at one face too long. He had to admit it was more luxurious than the lounge he frequented in Manhattan.

Cole didn’t spend much time handling business in the Virginia area, but he wished he’d known about this place the few times he did.

It was clear this bar catered to men with a particular taste.

A mature server in his late twenties, maybe early thirties, sauntered by, dressed in similar clothes, and gave Cole a soft wink. There were more servers just as fine as him in dark, sexy, but tasteful attire.

Hell yeah. This was his kind of place.

“You’re welcome.” Gerald smiled.

“You’re a good friend,” Cole chuckled. “How’d you find a place like this? You’re a straight, married man.”

“What the hell does my sexuality or marital status have to do with me enjoying a good cigar and a proper aged whiskey?”

“You know what the fuck I mean.”

“My assistant manager gave me a one-night VIP pass for two. He says they have a strict invitation-only policy, and even the staff have to sign NDAs before being employed.”

“Jesus, why?” Cole frowned.