Spencer rolled his eyes. Great. Another braggart throwing out names of five-star restaurants—that he undoubtedly couldn’t afford—in a useless effort to impress him. He’d rather eat a burger at Denny’s than ever consume another plate of that frou-frou fancy food.

Even if Spencer decided to take the deal, he still couldn’t spare a thousand dollars from his budget this week. He didn’t take anything that he hadn’t worked or paid for himself.

It was his current mantra.

Until he wrote his first bestseller, he’d have to be careful what he splurged on. He was never relying on some rich prick to take care of him ever again. Spencer wasn’t afraid of hard work anymore. He was twenty-six, determined, and capable.

Spencer gave his friend the side eye.

“Brent, I’ve been waiting for this store to have a sale ever since they first debuted their literary collection a year ago, and it hasn’t happened yet. And I also haven’t seen thismanagerhere before. But he comes out, takes one look at us, and now it’s ninety-five percent off. Come on, Brent.”

Brent’s mouth formed a perfect O, and Spencer was glad he caught on.

“You’re wrong.”

Cole came from around the counter and didn’t stop his advance until they were almost toe-to-toe. Without the glass display separating them, Spencer noticed Cole was taller than him by a couple of inches and had a few extra pounds around his midsection. But damn, he was wearing the fuck out of that suit.

“I’m wrong?” Spencer pfft’d. “Ninety-five percent off is a discount you get at a closing TJ Maxx,nota Burbank Jewelry store.”

Cole stared at him for a long time, and Spencer recognized the attraction… the want. He was used to it.

“You’re right. There is no way that bracelet would ever be on sale, and damn sure not before Christmas. Also, I’m not themanagerat this store, which is why you’ve never seen me.”

“Damn,” Brent muttered. “If you can’t trust a salesman to tell the truth, then what hope do we have?”

Cole’s warm gaze found Spencer’s and held it.

Damn, he’s good.

Spencer was going to be late for work, would most likely get lectured, and suddenly, he didn’t care.

“But you are wrong about the wife and kids. I’m single and alone this holiday like a lot of people.”

Spencer blinked.

“If I wasn’t here, I’d be home watchinganythingbut a holiday movie, most likely a horror film, and sipping a nice cognac.”

Hmm. A brandy man.

“And last, I didn’t change the price when I got a look at the two of you.”


“I changed the price when I got a look atyou,” Cole confided in his deep, sensual tenor.

Spencer tried not to pant. Knowing this striking and charming man was as alone as he was this season made him feel… well, less pathetic.

But what if he’s lying about that too?It wouldn’t be the first time a man pulled at his heartstrings to get a date.

Spencer gave himself a mental kick for being so desperate, grabbed Brent, and hauled ass out of the store.


“I would feel better about being late and getting lectured for fifteen minutes if you hadn’t left Burbank Jewelers empty-handed and depressed.”

Spencer frowned. “So, I should’ve left with a bracelet that I couldn’t afford in exchange for what? One night with me, or would I owe for a whole month?”

“No. You should’ve left with his goddamn business card and phone number.”