Maybe it was one of his neighbors coming to bitch him out for calling the nonemergency number. Spencer was the only one in the building with no holiday decorations or lights hanging everywhere. They all knew who the holiday buzzkill was.

Spencer waited to see if the person would knock again, and after a few seconds, they did, more insistently. He checked his phone to see if Cole had sent another message, and he hadn’t. Spencer didn’t want him to think he was gone.

The knocking got even louder.

“Damnit! You motherfuckin’, son-of-an-asshole piece of shit!” Spencer yanked a pair of his sweats out of his drawer and hurried into them.

He trudged his way through his apartment, wishing he’d put on a shirt or a robe because it was freezing, which fueled his ire.

“You picked the wrong damn day to piss me off,” he grumbled.

The quicker he got this over with, the sooner he could get back in bed and back to Cole. The knocking sounded again, and Spencer hollered.

“What the fuck? I’m coming!”

He unlatched his bolt lock but not the chain, and the sheer volume of music that ripped through that tiny crack in his door made him see red.

“Whatever it is, the answer’s no. Don’t knock again. And feel free to turn the damn music down,” he argued from behind the door.

“Happy New Year.”

Spencer stood there blinking with his mouth open, wondering if he’d imagined that.No way. No, he’s not—


“Spence, open the door.”

His hands shook so hard it took three tries to unhook the chain. Cole pushed his door all the way open, and Spencer’s knees became weak.

Spencer wanted to sob when Cole pulled him into his chest and wrapped his strong arms around him.

“Oh god, Cole.”

“It’s okay, baby. I’m here.” Cole squeezed him until Spencer had no more doubts. “You don’t have to hurt anymore.”

He barely had time to bury his face in Cole’s provocative, leathery scent before his warm mouth covered his and he slipped his eager tongue inside.

Spencer should’ve been embarrassed at the loudness of his moan, but he didn’t care. He was in Cole’s arms again. His front door slamming shut jerked him out of his shock. Spencer leaned back, mouth open, panting to catch his breath.

“Cole, what are you doing here?”

Cole opened his eyes. “You said you wished I was here… so here I am.”

Spencer wished he did possess that kind of power.

“How long are you in town?” Spencer asked, hoping his voice was stronger than he felt.

“I’m here until you say.”

“Oh, it’s gonna be that easy, huh?”

“For you, yes… for me, not so much.”

They were still holding on to each other for dear life, but their voices were hushed and reverent.

“Meaning?” Spencer pushed his nose against the collar of Cole’s shirt.

“Meaning it’s easy for you because you have me at your mercy. Not for me because my staff figured out that I’ve fallen in love, and it’s become sufficient ammunition.”